Greeting to all...
Sorry I haven't posted in a while I am doing great lost already 26 pounds all together but since surgery lost 21 pounds
I could feel my clothes lose,rings etc.
My question for old timers
..I am starting to eat more like at night feeling hungry is that normal???
How do u ladies like this new site???it seems like I am not getting anything from the site or is it people are not writing much lately

I am drinking my protein ect the only thing is I hate walking outside going to get a excercise bike
Have a wonderful day and rest of the week

Rosa congratulations on the progress....
Keep working, hard, it is not easy to change a lifetime of habits and life. If you get hungry, try drinking a protein shake, a piece of fruit, or slice of cheese and turkey. Don't sabotage yourself, remember how much you want a life change and change is not easy, you have to work for it........
Have you tried a gym, trust me people don't look. The skinny people are to busy looking at themself or other skinny people and comparing themselves to and the heavy people are not even worrying about you......
Swimming has proved to be a fantastic form of excercise, not only do i love swimming but I get to lose weight......................Keep up the wondeful work and NEVER NEVER give may never get another chance at a healthy life.
Warm regards, Carolbear

Carol thank you so much for your words..
I did get my 1st fill it was pain free my Dr is so gentle and handsome too.hahaha
I got 1cc but I do not feel any changes so I am going again on July 10th if God permits.
I could see myself feeling so good about me even if before I always did like me..
I am getting to the point I think I will start dating again..have met a man on the net a Dr from Egypt funny he is a gastrointerlogist and I worked 23 yrs for the endoscopy dept funny how life throws u a curve ball your way he is divorce like me and we are getting along really nice we will see how far this takes us.
Tell me how are u doing??
God bless.

Wow, Rosa such great news on the dating
........I envy you. I am looking forward to the day that I like mysef again and have the courage to date, again. I kind of have two admirers but I don't feel like I'm ready for a relationship besides i don't feel good about my body. I have lost 43 lbs. and I now weight 209lbs, but for a 5 foot frame that is still a lot of weight. I used to be a happy person, the life of the party. I used to have many friends and we would have so much fun together, dinners, dancing, drinks, traveling, shopping, and much much more. As I gained the weight I began to hate myself and I alienated myself from all my friends, I thought "who wants to be friends with a fat girl".
I miss my old lifestyle, not so much the drinking and men, but the parties, shopping (looking too good for words), going out and enjoing life, and the loving myself........One day I hope to give myself a chance at happines and love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I, to, met a guy on line. We really hit it off and he was such a great guy, someone whom i knew that I could see myself with, forever.....After communicating with each other for about 7 months, he told me he loved me
and he would do anything to be in my life......I felt really bad, you see, I sent him pictures of me...before I gained the weight.........................I just stopped e-mailing him and refused to answer his letters and calls..I couldn't tell my sweet George the truth.......It wasn't meant to be. After 3 months of me ignoring him, he gave up...I still miss him and wished I should have been honest from the start but, "who would want such a big pig for a girlfriend".
Rosa, thanks for letting me cry it out one more time.....
Good luck and I know that we are reaching for the right goal...we will soon be happy healthy women......
Warm regards, carolbear

Carol anytime you want to vent I am here
..we are both the same height 5 feet I am 261 when I started now I am 235 pounds ...never feel because of your weight you are not better then other people I carry myself with alot of pride if people don't like it they could look the other way....I love my big butt annd thick thighs.hahahaha...
Sometimes Carol we tend to be very hard on ourselves you are still young follow your heart and dreams..I must tell you I did follow my heart in 1996 with my daughter's padre who I simple loved with all my heart and all this hot latin blood but once a perro always a perro doesn't matter what country u are with them relocated to PuertoRico wanting to start a new life with of course the man I loved I was back here in Massaschusetts 125 days later almost homeless thanx to my son and friends I made it back with full force,it was a lesson for my daughter to learn and even today I am bless by my children el perro got what he deserve because what u do in this earth you pay for it less I don"t cry at night and wonder when I get older if I should of try doing what I did...
Your weight is almost 200 pounds be very proud of yourself Carol wonderful things are coming your way..imagine 200 pounds you Go Girl
My friend is from Alexandria, Egypt and is a Dr we are getting close to each other he is traveling over here in January for a month and will stay near to me and from there I will see...he is younger by 9 yrs but who cares love those young Papi.. hahahahahaha..
Let things happen Carol life is so fragile Carol I work with hospice and I see so much death .... I will reach for the stars..

I have always been here for my children and especially my son tells me to follow my heart even if it's to the other side of the world wish to spend my last yrs happy
I am 57 and my kids son 37 and daughter 23... But I am a sexy Mami.hahahahaha all the time...
Keep in touch and keep on smiling..
Hugs Rosa..

Rosa, thank you for your kind inspire me!!!
I know what you mean about "perros". I'm kinda of stuck in an unwanted relationship. My youngest son's dad (5), and I share a home, bills, and our son. We don't, however, share a bedroom. We are suppose to be friends and we both want to be with Matthew, which we adore.
He is a relatively good dad and because I work fulltime and school partime (year round) he is a lot of help with Matt. However he can be the meanest a-hole. he treats my older kids with disrespect and he wishes that they would disapear from our home. My children (20 and 18) are wonderful, respectful, kind, and responsible kids. They are in college fulltime and work partime. They don't help with bills, but I don't want them to, their money is spending money and they don't ask me for anything. Besides my kids are great with chores and help alot with Matthew, The only thing they don't do is cook, so when I'm in school and come home at 10pm "el perro", goes out and buys himself and Matt food or brings food for him and Matt..It's okay my kids have money and a car and they don't starve.
says that he still loves me and he wants us to be a family (him, Matthew and me). I tell him to go to hell because my family is my three kids......
I'm in a sort of a standstill in my life at the moment. My son Jason (18) tells me to find a nice man that appreciates me and takes care of me but I tell him that I am to busy to get anyone involved in my hectic and complicated life. Working fulltime, school 5 nights a week and studying every chance I have, raising a 5 year old, helping my older kids move ahead in their lives and future, my strange living arrangements, and of course working with my new lifestyle (eating and excercising) leaves very little or no time for dating or a relationship. I get lonely and wished dearly that I had a life partner, someone to talk to, someone to take me out but at this time I don't see how it is possible..........I plan on this life for a couple more years, till I'm done with school and "he" moves away..
Rosa, I am very glad for you...I know that you can't wait till january to finally see your friend. Follow your heart and your own advice. About the age
thing, well, good for go girl.....afterall you don't want an impotent old man
You are ready to start your life so go and have fun with it. You seem to have the right attitude...good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!