What is the difference between distal and proximinal (sp?) RNY?
RNY's are done either proximal (with a shorter length of the intestines bypassed) or distal (with more of the intestines bypassed). Studies have shown that people who have distal bypasses have greater success at losing large amounts of weight and keeping it off.

Hola amiga. Well, I'm doing fine...my doctor decided to give me an additional two weeks..grand total of 8 weeks. He said that I work with heavy equipment and he doesn't want me to strain my abdominals. It's nice that I can stay home with my precious little son. I love playing mommy, baking cookies, having three homemade meals, attending school functions...Soooooo sad it has to end
I haven't experienced any form of sickness (thank God). I have lost a total of 26 lbs. I think that it's verrrrrrryyyy slllooowww, but the doctor tells me that I'm right on target. He told me that the heavier you are the faster you lose the weight and I was, the highest lowest, go figure...
Sad to say that I haven't really been keeping up with the gym. I will be going to a wedding in San Diego this weekend so I'm very busy; shopping, taking clothes to cleaners, haircuts for everybody, arranging hotels, etc......When I come back I will pour myself into the gym again...I just bought a pilates DVD and a mat. I put the DVD on to try it, WOW, it kicked my butt. I think that I should lose more weight before attempting to do it again, I'm not that flexible, yet
Elisa, God Bless and keep encouriging each other, you and your hubby will be the sexiest couple ever.......
warm regards, Carolbear