sleep apnea doctors
Nicole S.
on 6/26/03 10:28 pm
on 6/26/03 10:28 pm
Hi Amy,
I dont know if your willing to go to Winston, but I use Dr. Lucie Lauve. She is terrific, very personable. Their phone number is 336-765-5553. She would see you in consultation and then set up your study at the Summit Sleep Disorder Center, also in Winston-Salem. Wish you luck...Nicole
Hola ...Mi Gente....
Thank you Carol for sharing all those tips with us put sardines
at less you found something you like.
So I when this morning to my finally appt with my Dr he is so young and handsome Mmmm papi.hahahahaha...he said I lost 5 more pounds so I am 256.8
all is good with the labs ect he said all will be well just need to take my inhaler because of my asthma before I go under
he said I would probably go in the afternoon because my surgery is at 7:30 am..
I need you wonderful ladies to please have me in your prayers
This site has been a blessing for me I feel connected and people are sharing their experience helps alot..
So let's keep in touch for the count down


Well I alot of people could tell you what you should do it is up to you to do it. The reason why I said that is because I was your child meaning I had to sit around watching my father talk to my mom as if she was nothing. My lil brother actually started to talk like his father treating women like trash and calling them everything but their name. If you don't put a end to this now who knows what might happen. Sometimes I have to sit and pray beacause I think about what he did and I could not help do to my age and now his son is a spitting image of him he also hits women and guess what so did his father. First it was just screaming then all of a sudden it turned to hits. I got some of those hits too alot of the time. Please don't allow anymore of the abuse. And yes my father tried to cry and say he was sorry but when it got too hot in the kitchen for him off he went. Also he was heavy into politics and realstate but now he has to make up all that time he was too busy dreaming and work 3 jobs just to get by. Please don't let this be you and don't let him put no guilt on you. Also make sure he is not taking any kind of meds off the street my dad did those too and it mad him like that.
Abuse is Abuse is Abuse=to use wrongly or improperly to mistreat or maltreat.
How much longer are you going to wait to take a healthy decision for you and for you son? What are you waiting for? False HOPE! He is not going to changeand you know that very well.
The battered woman syndrome is described in your post= to abuse, beat or pound repeatedly, to damage by mistreating and rough usagerepeatedly.. The key WORD is BATTERER=repeatedly abuses. It is easy to get used to the routine of things and have an extreme fear of change. It doesn't matter what type of chane good or bad just fear of the unknown. This is why you stay, you can predict his next move and you know what he is going to do. It is a familiar territory you delt with all your life.
Please forgive me if this heavy input hurt your feelings. I just want to help you see the truth. I could type and say Sorry poor you but I will not be helping you.
You say at the end of your post: :WHAT DO I DO?
I am giving you the answer between the lines.
Good luck. Please email me in private if you want. I will help you and support your healthy decisions. [email protected]
Thanks Carol Bear I'mreally glad all went well for you I hope in no time you'll be able to enjoy beans carne asada (oh oh I think thats what got me in trouble in the first place i must admit i 'm glad i mexican because i so, love our latin Flavor!)I'm still on this protien diet I've really had enough but then I've also had enough of being diabetic,overweight,and countless of other problems si I can do this I know in the end it will be worth it.
God Bless keep me in your prayers
I hold you in my arms and giveyou a big hug full of :I AM SORRY it happened to you. I am so very sorry. I know your pain is huge and deep deep deep. You will never forget it but their is hope. You put the old rotten pain on the shelves. you say GOOD bye to the painful past. it cannot be erased, but it can be put aside. You where a victim at 4 years old. Today as a fifty something years old woman you don't have to be the victim of the past anymore. AS long as you keep youself trapped in an morbidly obese body you are keeping yourself stuck in the past. Get out, jump the hoop....By posting you took a small jump. Now you are getting ready for another small jump......and jump by jump you will get to the other side. I cannot do it for you. No one can. The key to your peace of mind and the healing of your heart and soul is in your hands. You are not 4 years old anymore and no one could come and hurt you. You are an adult. This man could not hurt you anymore I guarantee you that. No one can YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM anymore YOU MAKE CHOICES AS AN ADULT.