New kid on the block.
Ok Latinas...let's get this party going

This Easter was the first for mi nieta SamiyahRosa she looked so cute with her fancy dress she had decorations on her hair and believe it or not she did not take it off
She is one of the reasons I decided to have the lapband done so I could run after her when she starts walking hahahaha...
So Linda are we getting ready to start salsa dancing.
amor y paz Rosa.D.

Ask yourself "Is it fear of commitment or fear of failure?" You have committed to your WL by having the Surgery "Tool". Now it is time to commit to your physical health by committing to a healthy lifestyle which should include daily physical activity. Some can be diligent at home. My husband is very good at using his weights and Tai Chi videos on his own. I need the silent competition found in the gym. It may be the accountability too. The regulars begin to see you at the gym and soon you become a regular. I am currently working out in my office building fitness center. It has all the equipment I need and is available 24/7. I choose to do cardio in the morning and weights after work splitting my workout in 2 - 30/45min sessions approx 5 days/wk. In the morning there are several regulars I have become buddies with. I feel guilty if I don't give the workout my all because they may hold me accountable. Plus to get me there I leave all my morning stuff in the locker so I have to go in to get ready for work. And since I have to go into the lockerroom I should at least do the 30 min cardio and stretching. (The locker trick may not work for a guy since you probably don't use makeup, blowdriers, curling irons)
Regardless, you have invested in yourself - you should use this as a time to reinvent a healthy, stronger and active individual - not just a smaller stomach person. Gym or no gym find physical activities that you enjoy. Find a walking, running group. Get friends together to form golfing, volleyball, soccer or bowling leagues. Don't just limit your exercise to a gym.
Hello Melinda...and Welcome...
Every doctor's program is a little different, so please check with your doctor and/or nutricionist. You will see a nutricionist before your surgery, they go over your entire meal plan.
My plan does allow me to eat babyfood, 3 weeks after surgery. Please be careful with eating foods ( applesauce, bananas, etc.) that are high in sugar.................Good Luck and remember; your thoughts, comments, advice, questions, and just plain venting is welcomed and encouraged..
Keep us updated on your progress
Waarm regards, carolbear
p.s. keep your journal updated, you will be glad you did

Hola Melinda Bienvenida 

I am pre-op for lapband to be done next friday May 12..
You will love this site this wonderful "familia"
I am on other sites but I feel like I am with my latinas in the same boat and we share the same eating habits ,family ect..
So we will help u as much as we can..
God bless you .
Goodafternoon to all it's beautiful outside think I will have my pre-op done today
just kidding it's schedule for 1:45pm..
Remember latinos united 


Okay, I am way new to this WLS stuff. It something that I have thought about for some time but have just recently started to persue it. My thought was that I would use piecing to counteract eating urges. I was amazed when I found that there was a group of quilters on line that not only would share my passion for quilting but my "un-growing pains" as I go down this road. I sure hope I can find my niche here.