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Tammy C.
on 1/3/08 8:05 am
Topic: Special Offer: Happy New Year From OH Magazine!
Dear OH Member, It’s a New Year, a New You and for ONE month only, a NEW lower OH Magazine subscription price! You can now subscribe to OH Magazine through January 31st for the lowest price ever: just $14.95 a year! (Regular price is $25 a year.) Your one-year subscription will bring you six great issues filled with Health Tips, Recipes, Advice, Laughter, Hope and Inspiration. OH Magazine is the IDEAL gift for yourself or someone you love! Make it one of your New Year’s resolutions to take advantage of this limited time offer. Subscribe for yourself today or give a gift subscription! Visit:,items/typeId,2/ or click on the OH Magazine cover at the top of the ObesityHelp pages. To order by telephone: 1-866-297-4966 OH Magazine—Real Lives, Real People, Real Solutions Here’s to a Happy New Year and Healthy You! *2 year subscription-Save $15   3 year subscription-Save $20
on 11/21/07 7:52 am - Milpitas, CA
Topic: RE: OH Events contest: where do YOU want us to come?
I'd love it if you could come to Fremont, CA
on 11/21/07 4:54 am - San Diego, CA
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience
There are a few support groups which I have joined here online  which helps me cope. Sometime after the Holidays I will give you a few of them to check out ok?  Have ha blessed Holiday
on 11/20/07 11:15 pm, edited 11/21/07 12:29 am - Xenia, OH
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience
I personally think you've made the right decision to let VR get you your hearing aids. That is what is best for you...and that's important right now. Oh - before I forget - my VR rep gave me two books that I found to be helpful: Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids - A Bridge to Healing by Richard Carmen Coping with Hearing Loss - Plain Talk for Adults About Losing Your Hearing by Rezen & Hausman. As for insurance companies. I don't understand why they do the things they do. I think it's great that you sign so well! I know I'll get better at signing as time goes on. It sounds like the Deaf friends you have will help you through this time in your life. I've not made any Deaf friends yet, but I do go to Deaf events. In August there was a silent picnic that invited SCC, WSU, and local high school students taking ASL to attend (to provide them with an opportunity to use their ASL). There are silent meetings at the food court in the mall the 2nd Friday of every month. I've been going to these to give me a chance to use my ASL. I'm still at the point where I'm real nervous when I start talking to people in sign language, but I keep going to I can get over my fear. I think I understand how you feel about being stuck in the middle between hearing and not hearing, but it sounds like your handling it a lot better than I am. I get angry with hearing people who forget that I can't hear. I don't mean acquaintances, I mean my husband, daughter and close friends. They talk to me when they are in another room - or with their head turned away from me - or their mouths covered up. I keep reminding them what I need, but they keep forgetting. I feel like they don't care. (They have also told me that they don't want to learn ASL). I looked online and discovered a huge support group for people who are hard-of-hearing. The website is I've only just found this website - and don't know all of the advantages to it yet. For instance - I don't know if it has good information to help people like us who are going deaf. I think I'll look at the website more closely after Thanksgiving. I better run. I have a LOT of cooking to do! Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

on 11/20/07 1:28 pm - San Diego, CA
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience
Oh yes I forgot to tell you that I went to a friend's house  whos roomate is Deaf and we had a good time.  they invited 2 other people there as well 1 hearing and one Deaf ,Everyone signs on different levels.  I was told that I use asl very well and they are willing to teach me more as I go.   They were very impressed.  Felt good for a Deaf person to tell me I sign good  and they understood me well. Been invited back on Tuesday evening.   Although all is ok right now for me I still am facing the fact that I am going Deaf.  Being stuck in the middle is the hardest for me. because I am not hearing and I am not Deaf  Have a good day my friend
on 11/20/07 1:19 pm - San Diego, CA
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience
Heard from Voc rehab today and they had been with me through this insurance mess,  they are going to over look the insurance this time because they have outstanding proof that I more then qulify for the hearing aids.  my VR counslor took all he had to his suppervisor and she said yes they will get them for me. But now the insurance saying they will pay but will not send the letter to me or voc rehab. I really do not trust them@ all.   My audi says I should tell voc rehab that my insurance will pay a portion. I do not want to prolong this any further I think I should let voc rehab do what they do.  The thing that bothers me the most is that my Insurance will pay for me to have  gastric bypass surgery. how crazy is that.
on 11/20/07 7:34 am - Xenia, OH
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience
I find it strange the the insurance company won't give you anything in writing. To me - it sounds like they aren't going to pay for hearing aids. (I know my husband's insurance doesn't cover hearing aids - analog or digital). Will the voc. rehab. pay for your hearing aids without hearing from your insurance company? It's my understanding that voc. rehab. will pay for the type of hearing aids that is best for you and your work. If insurance is just saying "analog" - they aren't considering the type of hearing aid you might need. Please talk with voc. rehab. again - and tell them that your insurance company isn't sending anything in writing. I do hope you get hearing aids that help you.

on 11/20/07 6:54 am - San Diego, CA
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience

My sister also had the stapendactomy but she has to keep going back for revisions, I rather just wear the HAs instead  and yes we have A Voc Rehab here as well I have been approved to get hearing aids throught them because my insurance was giving me a hard time , first they say thay pay then they told my audiologist  thay they would not pay for digitial only analog and even then only a  small portion of that.  now after I have been aproved by voc rehab, my insurance say they will pay. I do not trust my insurance @ this tim and I can not aford to pay for my hearing aids  but I have to contact voc rehab and tell them what the insurance said I am afraid that I may end up paying for them myself or go without.  right now I am @ a loss what to do. Voc rehab wants something in writting  but insurance wont give anything in writting to me or them.

Sherri S.
on 11/19/07 3:00 am, edited 11/20/07 3:20 am
Topic: OH Events contest: where do YOU want us to come?
The 2007 event year is quickly coming to its end. We’ve had a lot of fun, met hundreds of people, made new friends, strengthened each other, and empowered ourselves to continue on our journeys. With the close of the 2007-year, our eyes turn to the future, to 2008. Where will we go? Our team has analyzed locations, researched demographics, met with support groups, consulted with area professionals for hours.. and HOURS.. and hours! We do this because YOU are worth it. It is our goal to reach out to as many people as possible. But, we can’t decide where to kick off the 2008 year! We’ve arm wrestled, had ping pong tournaments, basketball games and other battles of wills. So... we need your help to make this decision! We’re having a contest. Where do YOU want us to come to? Let us know! For the month of November, we will leave this post up. Reply and shout out to us where you want us to come to. If you have ever wished for OH to come to your area, now’s the time to speak up! Get your friends, surgeon and support group involved! Simply reply to this post and let us know the area you want us to come to. At the end of November, we will count up all of the votes and we will make the announcement in December. Rules of the game: -Since this is a member’s contest, you must be a member to vote -Each member can only vote once for the same area -Members CAN vote for multiple locations -One post, one vote. If you want to vote for another location, make a separate reply. -All votes have to be a reply to this one of the ‘contest’ posts -Due to logistics, we may not be able to come to the exact city requested, but we will come to that ‘area’ as close as possible. So now is the time to let your voice be heard! Where do YOU want us to come to?
on 11/19/07 1:38 am - Xenia, OH
Topic: RE: I'd like to share my experience

My sister had otosclerosis in both of her ears. She also had the stapendectomy surgery performed for both of her ears and it helped her to hear better with the hearing aids - she explains it to me that she went from having profound hearing loss in both of her ears to moderate hearing loss in both of her ears with her hearing aids.

I paid $900 for my first hearing aid (just one "in-the-ear" for my left ear). The first hearing aid is the old analog type. It didn;t work well enough for me at work or in restaurants (or other noisy situations), so I went to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR). They paid for my second hearing aid ($3000) which is digital "in-the-ear" and has technology to amplify vocal range and mute sounds in other ranges. It has four programs: automatic (that can tell by itself when I'm in a noisy or quiet environment and adjust accordingly), two manual (one for noisy environmnents and one for quiet environments), and one extra one that I could have been modified with a T-coil to talk on the phone. I chose that program to be  modified to allow me to hear music. An audiologist said there is newer technology out now that is even better than my digital. BVR said if the doctors think the new technology will help me perform work and engage in social activities - then BVR may pay for the new technology. I don't know if you have BVR in your state. (It might be called something different.) It wouldn't hurt to see if you'd be eligible to get the new technology hearing aid. But it couldn't hurt to see if the newer technology works for you. I do understand about feeling lonely. I get as frustrated in conversations as others do. I get so very tired trying to listen all of the time. I read a book about coping with hearing loss that says people who can hear don't have to focus all their attention on conversations. They're able to listen to a few words and be able to keep up with the conversation AND figure out what everyone is talking about. People who have a hearing loss can't do that. We have to listen completely - and that is mentally tiring. Sounds like you're learning ASL, too. I hope you find it to be as freeing as I do. I think it's wonderful that the other nurse stepped in to help you get the information from the doctor. I've never had anyone step in like that for me. I'm sure you appreciated her help. AND - I'm guessing your experiences have contributed to you being a fantastic nurse!

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