I'd like to share my experience
Hello there, I have to say that I truly understand Just how you feel, I have otosclerosis also, and how I found out was one day I went to use my telephone to make a phone call and I could not hear a dial tone in the phone. I thought that my phone had been disconnected for some reason. But when my children came home from school and my husband home from work they all used it and thought I was nuts because I had been upset all that day over not being able to call anyone. Now silly me never thought to put the phone to the other ear until my husband asked me to. it was then I new I had hearing loss. My ENT told me I had otosclerosis and I did not want to believe him and thought he just wanted to operate on my ear, back then it was just my right ear, Since then I have seen several ENTs and they all say the same. about 2 years back I had gotton a hearing aid for my right ear the cic hearing aid is small and fits way down in the ear. well that lasted all of 6 months 2200.00 down the drain. back then my hearing loss was moderate loss within that year I started to loose some hearing in the other ear and begain to have some nerve loss in my right ear as well so the sugery would not work for me @ all. Now today I have severe loss in my right ear with nerve loss as well and in my left ear I have moderate to severe loss also with some nerve loss. For many years I tried to tell my family about this disease but no one understood me. Everyone wondered why I was loosing my hearing, Until my birth father who did not raise me. I was talking to his wife and she was telling me her youngest daughter was having sugery on her right ear because she has otoscelosis. then I knew where it came from. My Dad blames Himself sometimes for my deafness but it is not his fault. For me life is sometime lonely and stressful, Communication is hard because my family do not know how to communicate with me and refuses to learn sign language. I Work as a nurse on weekend nights so I do not have to be in the mist of all that confusion is what I call it. One of my worst fears happened a few days ago, while working the day shift. The Doctor was standing across from me giving me verbal orders for a patient, and as much as I read lips I could not read his and I could not hear him speaking, My tinnitus was very loud the phone ringing call lights going off. I wanted to cry right then and there. But there was one nurse our team leader who knew of my loss . She stepped right in and started taking down the order for me . The Dr was sort of frustrated with me I could see it in his eyes, when it was all done I thanked her so very much. If only she knew how much she helped me that time. she also mentioned to the Dr that I was HOH and going deaf. But she also told him I was one of the best nurses they had on the unit. I can't wait to get my hearing aids , not sure how long they will work for me but for now I need them. I have already started taking asl which my Doctor said I should do. So once again I feel where you coming from.
My sister had otosclerosis in both of her ears. She also had the stapendectomy surgery performed for both of her ears and it helped her to hear better with the hearing aids - she explains it to me that she went from having profound hearing loss in both of her ears to moderate hearing loss in both of her ears with her hearing aids.
I paid $900 for my first hearing aid (just one "in-the-ear" for my left ear). The first hearing aid is the old analog type. It didn;t work well enough for me at work or in restaurants (or other noisy situations), so I went to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR). They paid for my second hearing aid ($3000) which is digital "in-the-ear" and has technology to amplify vocal range and mute sounds in other ranges. It has four programs: automatic (that can tell by itself when I'm in a noisy or quiet environment and adjust accordingly), two manual (one for noisy environmnents and one for quiet environments), and one extra one that I could have been modified with a T-coil to talk on the phone. I chose that program to be modified to allow me to hear music. An audiologist said there is newer technology out now that is even better than my digital. BVR said if the doctors think the new technology will help me perform work and engage in social activities - then BVR may pay for the new technology. I don't know if you have BVR in your state. (It might be called something different.) It wouldn't hurt to see if you'd be eligible to get the new technology hearing aid. But it couldn't hurt to see if the newer technology works for you. I do understand about feeling lonely. I get as frustrated in conversations as others do. I get so very tired trying to listen all of the time. I read a book about coping with hearing loss that says people who can hear don't have to focus all their attention on conversations. They're able to listen to a few words and be able to keep up with the conversation AND figure out what everyone is talking about. People who have a hearing loss can't do that. We have to listen completely - and that is mentally tiring. Sounds like you're learning ASL, too. I hope you find it to be as freeing as I do. I think it's wonderful that the other nurse stepped in to help you get the information from the doctor. I've never had anyone step in like that for me. I'm sure you appreciated her help. AND - I'm guessing your experiences have contributed to you being a fantastic nurse!
My sister also had the stapendactomy but she has to keep going back for revisions, I rather just wear the HAs instead and yes we have A Voc Rehab here as well I have been approved to get hearing aids throught them because my insurance was giving me a hard time , first they say thay pay then they told my audiologist thay they would not pay for digitial only analog and even then only a small portion of that. now after I have been aproved by voc rehab, my insurance say they will pay. I do not trust my insurance @ this tim and I can not aford to pay for my hearing aids but I have to contact voc rehab and tell them what the insurance said I am afraid that I may end up paying for them myself or go without. right now I am @ a loss what to do. Voc rehab wants something in writting but insurance wont give anything in writting to me or them.