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Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/13 thru 8/17
Here's the million dollar question!!!
How do you know when you're *done*?
My surgeon won't give me a weight goal, and I have no idea what I should weigh. I'm large framed and at 201, I'm already boney. I know I can lose maybe another 20 pounds, but 180 doesn't seem skinny to me. And I'm only seven months out, so shouldn't I lose a lot more?
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/11/08
I'm not in my career yet - last year of school - but I cannot wait for this semester to begin! I didn't have any problems with peers, but man oh man, will it be nice to not have to worry about fitting in a desk!
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/10/08
I'll be better dressed and definitely taking more pictures! As far as food goes, we have our traditional Christmas Eve fish dinner, and beforehand, we snack on cheese, crackers and shrimp ****tail. So I don't have to change much, really.
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/9/08
I took pajamas (that I didn't wear), clothes to come home in, toiletries, my nintendo DS, my iPod, a book and some other things. At home, I had all of my clear liquids ready and waiting!
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/21/08
Nothing serious - the usual minor discomforts. Just lately, I've been having issues with mood swings, always when I don't eat properly. I really have to be careful to eat properly.
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/22/08
I'm so embarassed that I looked like that - and I'm sad that I stayed that way most of my life. I was never "normal", so it wasn't a matter of letting myself go, but it's still hard to see how horrible I looked and felt for so long. I wonder how different my life would have been, had I been able to lose the weight when I was younger.
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/20/08
Well... the first one that comes to mind isn't one I'm willing to share...
But there are so many! I love buying clothes, I love riding roller coasters, I love going to museums, walking in the park, dancing, doing candle parties, oh... my... go****'s amazing how wonderful life can be!!!
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/22/08
I wonder how I ever let myself get to that point. Also I wonder how anyone ever wanted to spend time around me when I looked like that.
Topic: RE: Daily Post--8/21/08
The only complication I had was the wild hormonal change and the constant hemorraghing for weeks on end which was fixed through endometrial ablasion. Other then that I have never dumped. Sugar and fats have never bothered me. I wish they did. Except for getting full and not being able to eat as much I wouldn't even know that I have had surgery.