Daily Post--7/27/08
I'm happy with the way my face and chin turned out. Not much saggy skin or wrinkles. I also like my shoulders and collar bone. Notice that all the good stuff is at the top of my body. Everything seems to have gone south. My breasts are pointing to my toes, which they can't see because of all the skin flopping around at my abdomen, and my arms just want to take flight. So in order of importance, I would have:
lower body lift and arms
breast lift and nipple reduction (probably not augmentation although I definitely could use one)
inner thigh lift (this is last on the list only because I understand that it's the most painful of all the procedures)
But then where to stop - because I'd also like to take care of my hammer toes, get my teeth professionally whitened, have laser hair removal and removal of age spots on my face and hands. Oh the possibilities. . . .
I actually like my shoulders now. When I look in the mirror and see that I have actual shoulders and I don't look like a football player in padding I think they make me look more feminine now.
I dislike my sagging under arms...I get rashes and wear 3/4 sleeves all the time cause I had the way they look. I am also not too thrilled with my thighs and stomach but at least those can be sucked in with my jeans - LOL..so the arms are the worst offender.
I don't even think about plastics cause I know I can't afford it.
Batwings and possibly boobs - both are pretty saggy - at least I can wear a supportive bra, but clothing doesn't fit right - need to always get bigger sizes for arms/boobs and shirts are always too baggy around the middle - thankfully I had sewing classes and know how to alter somewhat - would like to go smaller in both areas... I would love to go sleeveless and not think that everyone is looking/commenting on my upper arms.
I am happy with pretty much all of me, but I am having sort of a love affair with my legs! Considering wearing skirts when school starts back up for the first time in YEARS.
Tummy is the only part I am considering getting rid of---I think my pants size might go from an 18 to a 14 or smaller if it was gone and I think I lean forward when I walk due to the panni!!! I think it's gotta go!