Daily Post--7/3/08
I had considerably more than just the psych assessment. The practice I went to requires the assessment and 100% attendance and participation in a series of 5 Behavior Modification Classes as well as attendance at their Pre-Op Support Group. I'd would like to have seen one additional Behavior Mod Class Post-Op to review what had been taught, but that's about the only thing I would say could be better. There is a monthly postop support group, then a specific one for lapband and another one for "far-outers", those past 18 months postop.
My situation is similar to Shirley's. Although we had our surgeries at different facilities, I also had to attend the 5 behavior modification classes and preop support groups. I also had 2 private appointments with the psychologist, one with an exercise physiologist and 2 with the nutritionist. I was also required to read a book on WLS and review the surgery on the Internet. There is plenty of post-op support also. I attend a monthly post-op group led by my psychologist, and will do so for as long as I want, but had to commit to attend for at least one year. Beyond that, there are still regular appointments required with the nutritionist and exercise physiologist, and they are all easily accessible by phone or e-mail whenever I might need to talk to them. Obviously, some of these things don't have any direct impact on the psychological aspect of WLS, but I believe that all of those things are important to make the surgery successful long-term.
Because they can't surgically remove head hunger I think it's important to have someone to work with on this issue. I see a therapist regularly for other stuff and we just added the weight stuff to it and as it happens she's also on the team for the WLS crew so I had the best I could have
It has helped me to keep teh head stuff where it belongs... in my head (or out of it depending on how successful I am that day) and NOT in my mouth! Bonus! I think followups with a therapist for folks would benefit most.

When I had my WLS they didn't do phych evals and didn't have us talk with a nutritionist either. Even though I would have still had WLS and am very thankful for it I wi**** would have been a requirement. I'm almost 6 years PO and I'm still finding stuff out that I didn't know I was supposed or not supposed to be doing. I think the nutritionist would have been the biggest help.