Daily Post--6/15/08
I am STRUGGLING with this right now big time...I am in a serious stall...frustrated and "grazing" at work because it has been so slow and we are all worried for our jobs . I have a goal...I am currently in a tight size 18 and desperately want to be a comfortable size 14 - that is my goal..to some this must sound rather large...but for me it is my comfort zone size and know I will be happy here...to be so close, but yet so far away is very frustrating..I am definitely looking forward to hearing the responses on this one..I need a good kick in the pants to remotivate myslef that is for sure!
Well, first of all, I have never in my life been so close to my goal (17 pounds away). That, in and of itself, has been a motivator for me. Also, I'm still losing fairly steadily, which is also motivating. If I hit a really big stall at this point, I'm sure it will get harder, but I've been pretty lucky so far.
I've been reading "The Beck Diet Solution train your brain to think like a thin person" by Judith S. Beck.
I've found this to be very helpful in sticking to my plan. It takes you through exercises to think positively about being thin and how to get there mentally. I have a calendar program that pops my goals up every 3 hours. On some days I reset them for every hour because I'm feeling down or want to graze. It is NOT a diet book. It gives good tools to help you through head hunger.
My Advantage Response Card (these are the reasons I want to get to my goal and motivational thoughts and helpful hints)
Oh Hel$l It's A Great Day!
I'll wear smaller clothes
I want to learn to roller blade
I want to be able to kayak
Each time I exercise I get closer to my goal
I'll look better
I'll be able to wear stylish outfits
I'll be in better health
I'll be able to exercise longer & easier
I'll feel better
I'll have more energy
I'll be more physically fit
I'll be able to camp without CPAP
No more negative overweight comments from family
Always sit down when you eat
Eat slowly!
Give yourself credit! Pat yourself on the back.
Notice what you eat, texture & flavor, savor it.
my pedometer is my new friend, take it for a walk
(this is my food replacement friend)
Seeing these several times a day helps me keep focused on the end goal. It's too easy for me to forget when I'm down or stressed and go back to my old grazing habits. I'm still thinking about who to ask to be my coach.
I'm only 1/3 through the book and I already see the positive effects.
I saw used copies of the book on amazon for a good price.
Insurance approval should be in the next 2 weeks.
HW / SD /CW/WGW/July4
High Weight/Start Date/Current Weight/Week Goal Weight/July 4th

Well... I recently got engaged for the first time (at 45 years old) and even though we haven't set a date yet I really want to be at goal and look beautiful in my dress. So that is my current motivation. When I do reach my goal weight I know I will be watching that scale, re-gaining this weight has opened my eyes to say the least!
Have a great weekend!