Daily Post--5/12/08
I havent had to deal with power outages, but I have spent a lot of time in my car lately. I am currently living 2 1/2 hours away from my 7 year old, so I go home whenever I can, plus when I was job hunting, we spent some time in a hotel out of state, or travelling. I eat protein bars, or stop for wendys chili, soy chips, and of course water.
I don't have power issues much - but like Vivienne, spend a lot of time in the car (Los Angeles freeways - ICK!). I carry bags of nuts and sometimes jerky so that if I feel hungry, I have something to tide me over until I can get home or somewhere with healthy choices. I would hate not being able to warm anything, because my body temperature seems low all the time, and eating is one sure way to get warmer!
I work for the local electric cooperative. I deal with outages often, especially during spring and summer storm season. The food in your freezer will last for up to 24 or more hours, if you keep it closed. The food in your fridge, for about 12, if you keep it closed. That said...
I would eat canned tuna, chicken, etc...I could take canned chili or something and put it in an old pot and cook it on the bbq grill. Or it's a good excuse to eat out!