Daily Post--Sat 5/3
I am sure this will become a problem at some point, but right now, I wear hospital scrubs at work,(gone from 3x to xl) so I dont have to worry about buying work clothes, and for now I am content with jeans and t shirts. I was going to go hunting the thrift stores for the next size clothes, but then decided to wait, not sure if I will be needing shorts or long pants so I will wait till I need the next size, which is 18. Less than 4 months and 4 clothes sizes.
Well I have not bought a lot of cloths yet, I have had many given to me. What I have bought I have relied on my daughters to tell me if it looks good or not. I go mostly by what I like as far as color and style. I do find myself leaning towards more "hip" or younger style clothing which kind of bothers me. I am a middle aged women for gosh sakes........lol.
I'm with you sista! I have no clue how to dress. "What Not to Wear" is a life-saver for me. I have gotten some great ideas from watching that. I DVR it now and can't wait for people who come on with my coloring or my body shape. I bought 5 "structured" jackets! Can you say "over-board." I'd LOVE It if they'd go shopping with me too.