Daily Post--4/29/08

on 4/28/08 3:28 am - LaBelle, FL
You know it would be fun to hear everyones best compliment, or some of the most unexpected compliments they've received.
on 4/28/08 8:50 am - Colorado Springs, CO
I think the best one for me was my brother's best friend saying that he did not recognize me. He know I was losing weight as my brother had told him, but he thought I was another sister....That was the best feeling on earth.....Another friend told me that my outer beauty can now shine as confidently as my inner beauty. That friend as always said I was beautiful, and never said anything about my weight. They just feel that I am so much more confident now. Gayle
on 4/28/08 9:05 pm - Chippewa Falls, WI
I think the best compliment has come from my children; telling me Mom, I never thought of you as being, well, I hate the word fat, but Mom, you were fat!! Now, you look so good, you look so pretty and you're so happy all the time. The most unexpected, well, I don't think it was a compliment, but where I bartend on the weekends, one guys said to me, Michele, you better stop losing weight or your head is going to fall through your butt.....LOL. Gave me a good chuckle anyway. Michele
on 4/28/08 10:29 pm - Rives Jct, MI
I guess it's hearing people say how nice I look. There is one lady that I only see once a month, so she sees the changes a month at a time. I always enjoy listening to what she has to say to me. Jules
on 4/28/08 10:42 pm - Hager City, WI
I think my best compliment isn't one that I have heard but one that I have seen. When someone walks in and sees me and their eyes get big...like they are so shocked and pleased at seeing me! They are amazed and say so much more with their eyes before they compliment me with words. But their faces say more than words could ever say. Also, my hubby says my waist is almost non-existant...nothing there! I love that comment too. Now if I could make my butt do the same thing....hahahahahaha
Lori A.
on 4/29/08 12:14 am - Duluth, MN
The most unexpected was having the workplace grouch walk past me... wander over and give me a thumb's up and just whispering "lookin' good" lol Lori
on 4/29/08 2:57 am - Manchester, NH
I'm very fortunate in that I seem to be complimented by someone every day. But I guess the best one was when I saw my PCP for a regular blood pressure check up. (I had high blood pressure and was pre-diabetic. I also had a heart attack when I was 42. He's been my doctor for over 30 years, but because of that history, I've been seeing him every 3-4 months since at least 1999.) Anyway, when he was done with the exam, he started to fill out the slip that I have to give the secretary with the diagnosis code on it. He just paused and said, "Well I don't really have a diagnosis for you anymore. You're no longer hypertensive and you're no longer pre-diabetic. I guess I'll just see you in six months again so I can see how your weight loss is coming. You look really great." I cried tears of joy all the way home from his office that day.
on 4/29/08 7:13 am - Cattaraugus, NY
I just received my best compliment last weekend. I ran into an old family friend who I have not seen in probably 7-8 years. It took us a minute to recognise each other but when we did he said that the only reason he thought it was me was because I looked so much like my oldest sister Cathy. I have waited a lifetime to be told I look like her. She is the oldest of us 4 girls and she has always been the tall, thin, beautiful one. So for me that was the best compliment I could ever receive. Sally
on 4/29/08 9:21 am - tim buk too, CA
Actually I have 2, one was from my 8 year old grandson who told me that he could wrap his arms arounf my whole body (waist) to hug me, and the second was from a X boyfriend from high school, who told me that wow, I have not changed much in 34 years, That I am still beautiful.. I only weighed 126 in school, so lol.. whats 28 lbs more? That made me feel better.
on 4/29/08 11:12 am - Harrison, ME
I gave this some thought and realized that yesterday I had the best compliment yet. I was shopping before work for a sympathy card for my supervisor. I saw a woman I worked with at my previous job. We chatted for a few minutes and she said "you look fabulous, you look like a model". I was completely taken aback and my first reaction was to laugh and then I said thank you. I didn't know what else to say and I usually don't when I get compliments so rather than disagree I have learned to just say thank you. I NEVER would have imagined anyone would say something so nice. I floated around most of yesterday feeling very good.
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