Daily Post--4/24/08
No complications here (knock on wood). The hair loss and the saggy skin I was expecting. I guess I wasn't really expecting how much my breasts would change. I knew I would probably need a lift &/or augmentation after surgery but I didn't know how badly I was going to need to have plastic surgery on them! They are very sad saggy sacks!! I can't believe how bad they are!!

I was sure for awhile I was growing a tail! Something was getting in the way back there when I sat down!
I don't see food in the same way. When we go out with friends, it never matters to me where we go...food's just not that interesting any more. I always think I want something in particular but it never is as good as I thought it would be and I always can only eat a part of whatever it is. I spend time pouring over the menu trying to pick something unusual and usually just go with something "normal" like a burger and toss the bun.
Exercise also. I really look forward to my workouts and get "sort of" upset if I miss them because of a late meeting or the cable's on the fritz (I do exercise on demand).

My problem is that the seatbelt irritates me on my collar bones and upper ribs. That and I guess a weird size thing, Im still always worried about how much room people have to manuever around me. Other than that, Im almost 4 months out and 64 lbs gone, no hair loss yet and feeling great!!!!!!
The most unexpected thing for me has been discovering my bones, which I see a lot of other people have experienced as well. At night, my knee**** together and can feel sore and when I sit on the couch, my elbows often land on my hipbones and it's a reminder that both are prominent now. I'm not complaining though; I'm enjoying discovering what has been inside all along.