Daily Post--3/16/08
Oh sure. I'm accepted a lot more places I go. Fat prejudice is worse than racial prejudice in a lot of ways. People don't accuse you of choosing to be a minority race, but they sure do accuse you of choosing to be fat.
It ticks me off, because I know that most people, if given the choice, would choose to be weight proportion to height. (I don't like saying thin). I know there's a lot of people, like I was, who didn't think they had any way of making it happen.
Boy, this is turning into group therapy this weekend! Hope I'm not bringing anyone down with my posts!
Not really....I have lost weight so many times that my family and friends have been there with me, done that with me....I still get the nice compliments "lookin good today Lor"...but like me the jury is out on whether or not I can keep this off for life...that is my goal - don't get me wrong...but having failed so many times before I am not one of those that say "I will never regain"...that comment bit me in the ass so many times that I am just planning on doing my thing and following the rules and being as healthy as I can...I think my family and friends are weary of saying too much for fear I may not succeed yet again! Quiet support is better for me at this stage!
Only my brother, and mom. We went out to dinner last night. My brother and my kids and their families. I was eatting the salad and my brother must have been watching me. I put down my fork and he said full alread? I explained no I am to ear vary slow. I ate maybe 1/4 of the salad to save room for a piece of the chicken and the baked potato. I ate a tiny piece of the wing and then maybe 3 bites of the potato. He was watching me to see how muck I ate. I find this insulting to be sized on how much I eat at this time because he refuses to do something about his weight. I feel good now and he can barely walk. Ok so yes I am treated differently!
I'm pretty oblivous to the things going on around me. Actually, more than pretty oblivious...I really don't notice if anyone is looking or not looking. I always found that people held doors for me before, etc... So I haven't noticed yet if people are treating me any differently. Ask me again in 6 months. It will be interesting to watch.
I am treated differently by family & friends and it's tough to take. Makes me feel ashamed for having to have surgery to be healthy. Strangers treat me differently ~ I get hit on by men and women speak to me in stores rather than stare at me or walk around me. I'm greated when I enter a store rather than ignored. Most of the time it makes me angry.