Daily Post--3/9/08
Hello Lea and everyone
For ME it is ......
it is ............
peanut butter and mixed nuts
AND ...also.... protein bars!!
i can't have them in my house or i will eat them all up!! LOL
maybe once i get down to my goal weight
i will add the nuts and peanut butter back into my diet
BUT i will only buy the PB from Bell Plantation.
and i will only buy the single bags for the mixed nuts.
then i will be OK with PB and the mixed nuts! lol
it will be already portioned out in the single bags.
i will never buy or eat protein bars again in my life.
i use to CRAVE protien bars alot
probably because of the chocolate in them
they are like candy bars on steriods!!!!
To ME they are very unhealthy to eat.
although i pretty much OK with the protein bars
because i don't CRAVE them anymore like i use to
it's been over 2 1/2 years since i had a protein bar
and i don't care to eat them.
thank goodness for that!
i am over the protein bars
but as for as the PB and mixed nuts go ...
i can't have them in my house!
i loooooooove PB and nuts...lol
So anyway thats my "bad" foods that i have the worst time avoiding
I don't know how to answer this, for I've let myself have some bad foods (those Vanilla Oreos that DH brought home were SO yummy), but I have them in such moderation that I surprise myself. Last night we went to Atlantic City and I did so well at dinner!! We went to the buffet for lack of other options, and I had turkey with a little mashed potato (very little), and one coconut shrimp. Then I wanted some dessert, and I had about three bites of blueberry cobbler. That was it. So when it comes to bad food, I guess I can't avoid certain sweets, but that's only when they're in the house. I don't go out and seek them like I used to.
Let's see..how do I describe bad foods? I really don't have a list...just certain foods make me feel really guilty if I eat them and I will try and avoid those foods from there on out. I don't eat bread, so that cuts out a lot of bad foods. I occassionally treat myself to a cookie, which is naughty, but if I eat just one, I don't get on myself about it. I'm pretty good at sticking to what I know I should eat vs what I sometimes want to eat.