Daily Post--2/22/08
Hmmmmm, funny you should ask! I did finally get that done! That was a lot of chances to determine, print and draw from! Remember, you got a chance for each week's roll call post, a chance for contributing to the prize fund, chances for daily posts, etc. I got that all done and the new chances tracking started. Then, I did the drawing. Look for a new post with that info in the health forum AND on our YahooGroup!
Not yet, but every year they do a breast cancer walk that I will definitely participate in this year where last year I wanted to but knew I could never had done it! I am participating in dance classes which is something I never would have done pre-surgery because I would have been too embarrassed but not now!!
I have always been self-conscious about playing organized sports. I figured that I would be a liability to any team because of my weight. I haven't tried since I've been losing weight and I'm guessing I may never be comfortable participating in a team sport. However, I do hope to participate in a 5k in 2008.