Daily Post--2/16/08
Hello from Myrtle Beach! The marathon is over. Our teams did great and everyone is happy with their medals and how we did as teams. I'll post pics later when I am home again...
Today's topic:
What is one good way to battle post-op fatigue? Most of us have been there. Let's try and share what helped if you can think of anything!
Mommy O.
on 2/16/08 6:10 am
on 2/16/08 6:10 am
I honestly just give into it. When i feel tired i rest. Eventually i feel better and i have the energy i need to go out and do the things that need to get done.
Alot of times i notice that i get really tired if i dont have enough protien and water in my diet, even if i do have enough calories. It also helps to take all my vitamins.
Basically I set goals for myself each day. I made sure I met those goals each day. They can be simple things like doing at least 2 loads of laundry, getting the car washed, going to the bank, etc. Each day I set these and then at the end of the day I saw what I accomplished and created a new one for the next day and tried to add more as I was further out.
Well..what I was doing didn't work cause I am now officially sick and exhausted...so maybe pushing to get up at 5am each morning to excersize is not the best course of action. I am starting to think that you CAN excersize tooo much..I know my surgeon would disagree since he is the one who stated emphatically that I will have to excersize every day for the rest of my life...honestly, I can't see me keeping up that pace...and now that I am sick I can't even force myself on the bike or for a walk...so I am looking forward to the other answers posted on this one!
I notice that when I am able to exercise regularly, I have more energy in general. There are still days when I am tired and just want to get home and into pj's to veg out and watch primetime TV.
Now that my orthopedic surgeon has put my exercise on hold I am not sleeping well, not feeling good at all, tired all the time, and the bags and circles are back under my eyes. Right now I am taking in as much water as I can, I am getting my protein everyday, but that is not doing anything to improve the situation.
I think for me its just being able to maintain my daily schedule.