Daily Post--2/8/08
I'm still early on in my journey but so far the hardest thing is being in situations where food is there and I know it's not bad for me but I'm afraid to eat it because I'm afraid of dumping. For example, I've spent the last couple days at camp with my daughter and the food served at every meal was questionable at best that I would be able to handle it. There was however a salad bar but I have yet to try lettuce and I was terrified to try it and end up dumping! I want to try new things but I so don't want to dump! Anyone else feel this way?
HI Lea,
What a great question. So many answers...
I have had so many struggles but right now I'm struggling with being happy with where I am. I'm not complaining at all!! I still see the 286 pounds in the mirror not the 129 I was this morning. Strange how the psychy works isn't it. I feel better than I have in my life. I love to do the things I CAN do now.
I would have to say exercising although I love it now. Still sometimes hard to find the motivation to do it. I am scared I won't keep it up. I have a lot of fitness goals to reach before I give it up, but at least I am trying to do something daily or at least everyother day.
The other is avoiding soda. I have not had one since September and it is driving me crazy. BUT...I know if I even try it...I will be in trouble, so I am not going to do it. NOT EVEN DIET!