Join our YahooGroup!
I have set up a YahooGroup for the challenge folks to use as a chat forum of sorts. We can use this for general discussions. Anything you post to the YahooGroup is sent to everyone who joins that group VIA EMAIL. They can then respond to the group as well. To join that group, send a blank email to [email protected] and watch for a confirmation email. You will have to respond to that email before your membership is accepted because group membership is ONLY for those folks who are part of the mini-challenges--not the general or even OH public. If the majority of the challengers join this YahooGroup, we can do our daily posts that way and you won't have to log in to OH to respond--just have to check your regular email!
So far, we've chatted about how our new year has started, shared recipes, and more!
Come on over and join us!