10/7 SUN What did you eat today?
I started today on a better note I hope, I had a 20 oz protein shake with light vanilla soy, 1.5 scoops protein powder instant coffee and some sf cinnamon davinci syrup whirled up in a blender: 33 proteins
Lunch: 1/2 cup baked turkey sketti (15 proteins)
mojo pbprtzl bar:10 proteins
making some hot coffee now for when lunch settles
will do some diet green teas
Plan on for:
dinner: lean steak 4oz and two lowfat cheese sticks (20 +) ( it's just 4pm now) andi just ate lunch but didn't get up til 12:30 i was tired.
diet green teas maybe sf popsicles
i'm getting on tread mill in a minute and will not get off till i've pounded out at least 3 miles and that's a promise to me
Hi Lea!
I posted (I thought) a nice long post about my week on Friday but it has disappeared into cyberspace...to summarize: scale is stuck still, it was homecoming week at school, I complained about the HEAT, I was offered two hundred dollars to be interviewed by P&G about WLS (happens Wed.), and I'm still trying to figure if my eating needs to be changed to induce further wl (keeping net carbs under 100) or if (as Amy and Sarah suggest, this might be it for awhile until my body readjusts to its new weight).
I'm charting my eating in a paper and pencil diary (works better for me know with school and being an English teacher I am comforted by the feel of the pen going across the paper! )
Bkfst: Go Lean Waffle with SF syrup and bacon
Snack: Atkins bar with coffee
Lunch: tuna salad, 1 serving all-bran crackers, lettuce and tomato
Snack: (plan to have whole grain tortilla chips, cheese, and salsa)
Dinner: Burger on lt. bun, Lettuce and cheese and a little mayo/salad
Snack: none planned as yet (might not want one)
Exercise: walked (frickin' heat!!!!)
strength training when I get finished with this
What about those Buckeyes!
I went to to Sunday breakfast with the family today it was GREAT to feel normal! Yes, the potatoes on the other plates looked good, but I was verrrrry happy with my omelette!
BKFST: 1/2 Denver Omelette
LUNCH: Yogurt and Protein Shake
DINNER: 3 oz Chicken w/squash; 1 oz applesauce
P.S. After posting my food in FitDay I was surprised to see how much fat was in the Denver Omelette, so that's a bit high for today.
Happy losing everyone!
Sunday was my 2 year old nephew's birthday party. The food choices were aimed at 2 year olds, so not the greatest for a WLS postop. I had breakfast at home before I left though (bacon--20 grams protein). For lunch, I had 1/2 of a slice of bread with chicken salad, a VERY small slice of supreme pizza, some baby carrots and broccoli with veggie dip, and a few Wavy Lays chips (ugh!). I may have gotten 10 grams of protein in the whole meal. Then, for dinner, I had another piece of leftover meatloaf (25 or so proteins) and later had some peanut butter for my snack (probably 10 more protein). So, for the whole day, I may have gotten about 65 grams of protein and I got in about 80 ozs of liquids. So far, today has been better!