ROLL CALL!! Aug 27th, 2007
I am at 185.6 despite the jogging program but Oh Well.
I have to say it is the strangest thing but I have NO sex drive. When we do it is better as I am in better shape but I just am not interested. Shame, Huh???
I am hoping this will change when I go off the pill in a couple of months and my body is more natural. My husband is taking the plunge so we don't have to worry about BC anymore. I have heard that helps too in decreasing the worry about getting prego.
P.S. My Halloween goal is 169. I am being way more conservative as I would like to succeed in 1 of these challenges.
Well Lea, I don't think I will be making my Labor Day Challenge,
. Right now I am at 222, so I will try for Halloween! About my sex drive, it seems that I want more, I don't know if it has to do with the weight loss, or I hit my sexual peek?! Who knows, my fiance likes it!! Have a great day!!

I weighed in at 267 this morning. It will be a challenge to lose the last two pounds in order to reach my Labor Day goal, but I'll give it my best!!! =)
For the question of the week, my desire for sex has gone up, but doing the actual "deed" has not increased. When we were first given the go ahead to have sex by my doctor it was great. We did it several times a week. Now we're back to being lucky at doing it once a week. I think it's been about two weeks since we had some fun. Because of my husband having to do school work and working a full time job sex is on the back burner pretty much until he graduates in March. When we do have sex though it's much easier to find comfortable and fun positions. I'm still too nervous to try being on top again because of how low my panni sways. I'll be happy when the day comes that I actually give it a try because I'm sure that we'll both enjoy ourselves.
Good Morning Lea,
First let me say WOW on your weight loss!!! That's Fantastic!
My weight this morning was 257.5, so 1 1/2 pounds this week.
I'm going away next weekend to Boston and I won't have a computer or a scale with me so am I able to post on the 4th if I get home too late on the 3rd?
Also, did you receive my Halloween Challange weight, it should be 232.
I don't think my sex drive has changed since surgery, but my husbands has increased since my surgery!!!
We are celebrating our 24th Wedding Anniversary Today
Have a great week!

Hi Lea,
Hi my weight this morning 215 I was so excited. I also had some wow moments this morning. I drive a school bus and was able to pull the seat up all the way and I had to readjust the seat belt smaller from last spring. As far as the question I have no comment.
So good luck to all.
267/ 219/ 215/ 150
start/mini goal/ current/ goal
I'm back on track again this week I'm at 197 lbs. That's a lose of 4 pounds wowhoo, only 2 more to hit my goal for the challenge.
As far a the changes in my sex life I don't know yet about that. But I will say that I'm pursuing a realtionship with someone, and that's something I would have never done before WLS. I'm being more flirty and forward with what I want and what I say. Even before the weight gain I was always timid when it came to me. So maybe age and WLS has put a bit of tiger in