ROLL CALL!! Aug 27th, 2007
This is our last weekly roll call before our windup for this challenge round on Labor Day (9/3). You will post your current week's weight and any feedback on the challenge of the week THIS week. Then, between now and Labor Day, you must post your new goal weight for the new/Halloween round. You can post that with this week's roll call info OR wait till next week to post with your final weight, but it must be posted between now and Labor Day. I'll try to remember to put the Labor Day roll call post up as early as possible to give everyone more time to post.
This week's question of the week is one that got LOTS of comments when I asked for suggestions for the question of the week! Here we go:
Has this surgery and lifestyle change affected you concerning intimacy with your spouse or significant other?
How is your sex drive since having the surgery?? better/stronger or much less? Are you bolder, more intimidated, etc. We'd also like to see some feedback on how others relationships have changed either for the good or for the bad post op. Let's avoid being vulgar but answer as thoroughly and truthfully as you can!
I'm holding at 233 this week and anxiously (NOT!) awaiting the arrival of my TOM on Weds or so. I hope that the weight I usually lose during that time will push me down to my goal of 230! As for the question of the week info, I don't really think it has affected my "drive" but it certainly has affected my ability in that I am better able to move around. We can be creative again instead of that same-o, same-o all the time! But, I must admit that the "pillow" of fat I had under my butt before that has so significantly decreased has affected things a bit too and I actually have to PUT a pillow under me at times for comfort and "functionality" for hubby...if ya know what I mean! I was so much lower that the angle had changed! LOL I will also say that my weight loss has gotten hubby a bit more excited about sex and things are better overall. He has no issues with extra skin and I try not to even think about it! He loved me at 410 pounds and he is REALLY loving me now at 233!
Gosh Lea, That is SO VERY wonderful, all of the weight that you lost!!! It is even more wonderful that your husband is there for you and not intimadated by the "new" you!!!
I had a major surgery on Monday the 20th, and I have my period, so I have not lost any weight this week. I am holding steady at 323. I am hoping that once my "friend" has left the building, and I have had time to lose the IV fluids, I will have shown a significant weight loss.
As far as my sex life with my husband, my sex drive has not changed, not my boldness( I have always been bold in the bedroom, though you would never know to look at me).The only thing that has changed, is that it is much more pleasurable now
My husband has ALWAYS been an egar beaver, so that is still the case.
Good Luck to all of you!!!

Good Evening Lea! I hope this finds you well. I Didn't have a chance to post last week (Mon) but have a minute now. I have lost 5 pounds since this past Monday and am down to 315lbs. That seems a bit much for one week, but with this heat wave and football practice, I'm team Mom, I have sweated it all out!!!! And yes, I am getting in my fluids. Now for your question. I think it comes at the right time for me! It's been 12 weeks since surgery and we have finally taken care of the itch and it was totally different than before. Nice and comforting vs. not being able to breath. Well I've said enough!!! Have a good evening.
Hope you are healing well from your surgery. Sucks to be sick or in pain! And I bet you'll have an amazing number to report next week for the end of the challenge between burning off those IV fluids and then getting past your TOM.
As for the intimacy part, my hubby is also an eager beaver--always has been but it was sort of irritating when I was so danged heavy and had no real drive. Now that I am smaller and more able, I hope to encourage hubby that if he lost the 40 or so pounds he really wants and needs to lose, things might be even better! LOL I'll use HIS drive against him this time! LOL
HI. I'm afraid my weight loss hasnt been as spectacular as I would have liked. My complication and further surgeries have really kept me bed-bound. I did however make it to ONederland TODAY! 199 lbs! Yay me! I have one more surgery on Monday and hopefully (fingers crossed) this will be the last.
As for sex........because of complications I havent been able to. I am looking forward to it though.
Hi Lea. This has been a frustrating week for me with my (lack of) weight loss. My weight this morning was 311. The last 2 weeks I have gone up and down the same 2 lbs, and I am about ready to cry with frustration. I know it is just a plateau, but I would have liked to have gotten closer to my goal weight.
I'd like my Halloween challenge weight to be 290 lbs.
As for DH and I were not having a lot prior to surgery, and that really hasn't changed much. Maybe with addl weight loss things will improve.
- Melinda
I am 164.5 this week, sorry to be checking in so late. Not sure I will make my goal of 160, it will be close! Anyway as for the sex, well I haven't had any drive since surgery, its honeslty killing my husband but he is dealing with it. Thank God he is an RNY patient too and somewhat understands. I gotta work on this though.
At my most current weigh in I was 297. I will not make this challenges goal of 284, but that's ok. I'll be really happy if I am down to 295 by the 3rd.
For the Halloween challenge I'd like my goal to be 275. I hope I'm not overshooting again, but we'll see.
As for this weeks topic...DH and I tend to go through cycles of having very little sex and then having lots of sex. That is still true post-op, but the very little sex times seem to be a little shorter now. Things feel so much different without those 200 extra pounds between us, sex has been more fun and we fit together better. We're more "eye to eye" now, which makes things so much more intimate. Also, having more energy and muscle strength has made a BIG difference. LOL I hope this isn't TMI for anyone, but you did ask! LOL
I think we have a lot of folks not going to make their Labor Day goal and some of those were very conservative goals. I felt mine was and I've got to lose 3 more pounds to get to mine... I wonder if it is just the heat and how hard it has been to get some real exercise in without having a heat stroke??
As for your comments about intimacy, I don't think it was TMI. I think it was just the sort of feedback that many folks had asked for! I also think that getting more face-to-face is a big part of the increased pleasure. You can feel more involved in the whole experience!