Making a comeback from lesson's learned!!!!! And small Wow moments.

I'm sorry to hear of the problems you have been having, nice to hear you are beginning to improve.
I don't know that I've ever heard of Vitamin B 1, But all the symptoms you have spoke of as well as the treatment of giving yourself shots sounds alot like B 12. Any way your advise is very good. Sometimes when the day is done and I realize I didn't get all my calcium and I'm ready to go to bed... I worry that down the road I may pay the price of poor health. I don't forget too often but seems as of late I've gotten so busy that I need to be more dilligent and be sure to get everything down that I need.
Best wishes for you ... Isn't it great to be able to exercise?
I am so happy that you did not anyone just blow you off and you were proactive with your health care. I am so happy that you are feeling better already. Thank God!
Congrats on being able to feel well enough to get back to exercising.
I am so proud of you.
Wishing you nothing but health, happiness and success.
Love your soul sister
Good for you in attacking your vitamin B issues so early, other people I know only discover the true benefits of a B supplement after months and months of low energy etc. My good friend who is about a year and a half out says that it helps her whole system balance out so she can function as a person.
Also, thanks for the reminder on the vitamins, as I need to be more focused on that for sure! It does make sense that more energy would equal more calories burned and more weight lost...
Take care--
I am really sorry to hear that you have been having health issues. When you say B-1, I wasn't aware of that, I am on B-12 shots, centrum chewables and viactive for my calcium. I forget to take the daily vitimans ALL the time, is this really bad? The B-12 is monthly.
I am glad to hear you are feeling better though. Good luck!!
Hi Heather,
Thanks for your words of encouragement! You should keep a close eye on your levels?? As for calcium, you need to take the other kind of calcium we can not absorb the other such as in viactive chews; and we need twice as much as average 1500 units a day! Please take your vitamins seriously! Hugs, Judy R