Hips? Ok it;s the hips
I went to my new Orthopetist on Wednesday. I'm getting close to the wieght my doctor said I needed to be at before they would allow me to have back surgery. I thought the Ortho and I would be talking about the plan of attack for dics problems. Instead he informs me that he wont touch my bac****il I have my hip problem addressed. I'm like what hip problem, and he procedes to tell me that my right hip is bone on bone, and that my left is close to that with a lot of bone spurs and then shows me the xrays. I was floored I never once gave a seconds thought to something being wrong anywhere but my back, and of course all my symptoms could be either one or both.
I'm only 51, and yet I can barely get around standing is hard, walking, sitting you name it and it's hard. Also I take care of my dad who is 80, and raising my granddaughter who is 13 so I've got my hands full and can't my ability to move compromised. I've also lost 80lbs. since November of last year and that's not making a difference.
I need to know if anyone my age or around it has had a hip replacement or is or has had the issues I'm having with the hips. I know the wieght is a cause and all that I just need some more supportive information from real people who have had the problem.
Thank for all the support I get from all of you,
Sorry to hear you're having hip problems... that sounds like no fun at all. Although I've had no hip problems myself, I can see it making sense to fix your hips before your back. (i.e. your walking would be less likely to throw out your back).
Unfortunately, I've not had this problem, and I'm 20 years shy of 51. I'd say the 13 year old granddaughter is old enough to help you out while you're recovering. Also, you may need to call in some family/friends to help out with dad while you're recovering. If you don't take care of yourself, you will be hindered in your ability to help others.
WTG on the 80 lbs lost