Kicking my own bootie!

on 8/2/07 10:11 am - Davison, MI
Hey Friends, Well, it has been two weeks since I set my feet to the treadmill or ex. bike! So today I kicked my own bootie back into gear! I know if I don't get back to it, that it will be way to easy to backslide. I had a nightmare last night my weight was going back up; and people were telling me (why are you gaining we thought you were serious and doing good). Woke up in a cold sweat saying; girl you get back to your program! I know I lost while on vacation; but felt it was only a matter of time before the monsters came back to get me. LOL! I am still fearful that I am not going to make my Labor day mini challenge (187); I am at 199.5 right now! I have lost 90 lbs since Dec 06, RNY WLS Feb 07 (lost 27 before surgery). I hit ton's of plateau's; and get so frustrated at my slower weight loss periods. Everything I have ever had came at a price and that's ok because then I know I have earned it! I also am trying to get up my water, protein; and vitamins. I was recently diaginosed with vitamin deficencies (B1 ureadable). These are very serious issues to me; and I am sharing just to let other's keep me honest with myself too! A warning to others vitamin deficencies can lead to serious disabilites and complications! My commiment to myself is to watch my protein intake better, vitamins daily, exercise daily; and do my utmost best at these for my health. I am also working on my mental attitude towards this WL journey. Anyone else find people telling you that you have changed? I feel I am still me; just not as hidden as I once was. Best wishes and luck to all. Care for yourself because you are the only one who can do it best! Hugs, Judy R
David S.
on 8/4/07 7:54 am
Hey Judy, I need to kick myself too because I've allowed myself to slip out of exercise mode. I've got about 7 more pounds to lose in the next month to meet my mini-challenge goal. I've been remiss on my vitamins, and my hair's started to thin. If I hadn't slowed down on the exercise and kept taking my vitamins, I'd probably be losing quicker now. Getting back in gear-- --Dave 350/232/205 (mini-goal 225)
on 8/5/07 5:46 am - LaBelle, FL
Oh, so true! I still am not as diligent as I need to be about exercise... I still need a weight lifting program to tone. But, my main exercise is still from walking. Yesterday I worked almost 8 hours at a drink concession at our county fair for our 4H group. Lots of lugging of cases of water and pop and ice. I had to keep the drink bins stocked and full of ice. Those 22 pound bags get heavy after you lift 10 or twelve of them two at a time! LOL I'm not sure if they have anything to do with the pound lost between yesterday and today or if it is just getting past my period for the month! I do well with getting in the liquids and protein but need to do SO much better with the exercise. I also do pretty well with my vitamins and only miss one or two doses out of 14 per week... Most weeks I get them all in! My hair IS thinning despite not loosing much at all the first 8 to 10 months... The loss has been much more noticeable this last couple of months and I have been getting my protein in since month 2, so not sure what changed... Hugs, Lea
on 8/5/07 8:02 am - Davison, MI
Hi Dave & Lea, Yes, it is hard to reach your own bootie! ROTFLO.. I think it is good we keep each other in check. Today I really worked out hard; burned 487 calories on treadmill & bike! I have been losing a lot of hair too. Friend to me to take a vitamin called Boitin! It is for new hair growth, skin and nails. Hope it works ! I am doing much better now with my vitamins, protein, and exercise. Still struggling with water; I hate getting up 3-5 times a night (if you know what I mean) LOL! I alway thought that vitamins make you gain weight? I have been feeling like I am under a miroscope with friends, family; and co-workers lately. I am dealing with people telling me how much I have changed, and they say it as if it were a bad sin. To heck with that, I am still the same (B) I have always been ; whats up with them? Anyway best of luck and thanks for your encouragement guys. Keep on, keep in on.. Go team! I'm so explanative today..LOL! TTFN Hugs, Judy
David S.
on 8/5/07 1:24 pm
I too kicked myself into gear today with exercise!! I worked out 3 times today!! (Very very unusual for me) The weather was so fabulous, that I went on a bike ride this morning. Then after I got home, I did a workout on my elliptical machine with the "interval training" based on heart rate for 35 minutes. This makes sure I get my heart rate into the optimal burning ranges for my workout by upping the resistance. Then I took my two oldest sons on another bike ride this evening. They were all out of breath and having a hard time keeping up with DAD!!! (They are ages 6 and 8) Felt great to get my body in motion and enjoy the great weather! --Dave 350/230/205
on 8/6/07 1:54 am - LaBelle, FL
I am not doing quite as bad about the getting up and down all night now... But, it isn't for lack of fluid intake. On an average day, I take in about a gallon these days. I guess I need it as I certainly am not passing that much out in a days time! As for being under a microscope, I feel that way at times too. Every time I stop at the docs office (my PCP), I get the "how much have you lost? how much do you weigh now? how much more do you want to lose?" chatup from the girls in his office... I know that they can see this info in my chart if they want to look and I really don't care, but quit driving me nuts about it will ya??? LOL I'm long past the "OMG, you've lost weight!" point with them. At one point, my hubby felt like what I wanted in life had changed because he said I had a negative attitude about something at the time. It was still early on while the hormones were still running rampant and I had to sit him down and have that talk about how the rapid fat loss affected the hormone levels and how I may say things or do things that seem out of character during that time and to PLEASE understand and nicely point out things that really bothered him so that I could be more conscious that I was doing them and try to avoid it... We got through it, but if I hadn't had that talk with him, we may not have as we both are a bit high-strung at times of stress! I'm not around many other people regular enough for them to notice a difference that way. I know that I've had rough spots with my girls though and that part of it was me being a bit edgy and hormonal... Dave--Do the guys experience the same hormonal crazies during the early stages of rapid loss?? Lea
on 8/6/07 10:46 am - Davison, MI
Yea Dave, What Lea said; do guys go through what we gals do kinda hormones unbalanced, and feeling crazy! What feeling have you had since your weight loss surgery? And how have people been treating you; what perception and takes do you have on all this. We think it would be very interesting getting a man's point of view. Thanks again, Dave & Lea Hugs, Judy R
David S.
on 8/7/07 3:18 pm
Actually, believe it or not, men have a ton of hormone issues of their own to deal with during the weight loss process. I recently found out that fat cells store large amounts of testocerone, then when you go through a period of rapid fat burning, these hormones are released, increasing iritibility, sex drive, and everything else that comes with higher levels. Additionally, it is very possible that pre-surgery food had become a drug for me that helped desensitize myself from many of my emotions/feelings. I try to embrace the emotions/feelings even though it means I have to address my other issues. I'm more prone to yell at or be short with the kids, so I'm having to be careful with that. Fortunately, haven't had to deal much with that at work. As many people are aware, higher male muscle mass increases weight loss compared to women (sorry to bring this up). As for responses from others, it's really a mixed bag. Most people who are negative know enough to keep their mouths shut. I think mostly because they'd look like an idiot in front of everyone else. Morover, if they are overweight (which most people are) they'd look like they just have sour grapes. Many people are just amazed at the drastically POSITIVE change in me, and can't believe how quickly the transformation has occurred. Hopefully this answers some of your questions! --Dave
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