Good Morning
Hi, just to touch base, praying everyone is doing well ... I bought a used treadmill in excellent shape from a friend and worked out wednesday on it for 20 mins, it kicked my butt... I did about 2 miles and I ran for 5 of them which is huge for me.. i'm not a runner... Plan on doing it again today, you could have wrung my clothes out i was so sweaty ... it felt really good... I rode my bike yesterday for about 10 mins not much of exercise but hubby is really sick they are looking at the poss of an aortic aneurism in his abdomen, gallbladder andor an ulcer. pray for us please
Good afternoon Judy,
Well, first thing, I wanted to let you know prayers were sent for your husband. I hope the drs are able to find out what's wrong with him. Second thing, congrats on the exercising..I know I feel so much better physically and mentally after a good workout (boy, can't believe that's me saying this..I never used to exercise), I have an elliptical machine and it has different programs on it..and boy, they kick my butt Keep up the good work..
Hi Judy!
Sorry to hear about your hubby's health issues. Sounds like things at your end are about the same as here--now that you've gotten healthy again, hubby's health issues seem more prominent than before when you were dealing with issues of your own... I'm probably the healthiest member of my family these days. I know I take the least medications of the bunch! LOL
I wish I had more exercise stuff here at home... I know I'd make use of it but can't afford it and haven't had any luck rounding up used stuff either! I have a treadmill but it needs a switch and won't work without it. Other than that, all I have is an exercise bike and good ole me!
I actually have a total gym that you can have, the prob is shipping it to you, it's brand new and I could pack it up but I bet it would be expensive to ship... I'll get kenny to see how much he thinks it would cost if i shipped it snail mail to you... I bought it for $50 brand new in the box the guy that owns equipment store didn't like it, he carries nordic trak brand... let me know if you're interested in it...