Last Week's Group Progress (78 of 126 reporting in)
Hi gang!
I just finalized this week's numbers and put in the previous week's weight for the MANY folks who did not check in this week... We had 78 of 126 participants check in with their current week's weight (almost 62%). As a group, we lost 254 pounds this past week! Not bad!
Let's try to get at least 70% reporting in this week!!
I'm down 2 pounds from 167. I would've lost more, but I cheated. We went to visit my cousins and my grandmother over the weekend. We took all the kids to see Harry Potter, and then to dinner at my grandmother's favorite restaurant. So a little popcorn and mexican food did me in. I was back on track yesterday, and am meeting with a personal trainer today to sign up for his fitness bootcamp.
I kept checking the bord but I must have missed where I check in... At any rate my scale was taken away from me for 2 weeks b/c I am obsessing about the numbers and weighing 3-4x's a day. I will get it back tomorrow and it will be hidden from me for the rest of the week. Please let me know how to do this, b/c I have never done it before. Thanks and CONGRATS to all!!!!