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Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
I have only shared my intentions with a few people, b/c I've never been comfortable talking about my weight or dieting. Mostly everyone has been supportive. It took a while for my parents to warm up to the idea, but otherwise everyone's cheering me on. I'm not telling ANYONE at work b/c 1) I don't want them in my business and 2) they wouldn't understand b/c most of them have no weight issues.
How has the CPAP machine been for you? My mother's doctor wants her on it but she refuses -- claiming she doesn't have sleep apnea (yeah, right! I could write a book about why she DOES!)
Praise God for your victory over smoking!!! That's a real triumph. I know you (and I) will conquer this weight thing too--with time and with Him.
My approximate date is Feb 2007. I've been concerned about losing too much if I try too hard -- like you did with weigh****chers? How did you avoid that problem during your 6 mos?
Topic: RE: Praise the lord EVERY BODY!!!!
Praise the Lord!!!!
He is so worthy of all the praise and all the glory!!
I would like to see the gospel message board become a little more active. Guess we will have to start praying about that

Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
Hi Joyce!! Good to hear from you.
I am in total agreement with you concerning the medications and the doctors. Along with my additional weight, I gained additional meds for things like hypertension, reflux, thyroid, etc. and now even having to sleep with the CPAP machine!! How romantic is that? Fat and looking like I am about to go snorkeling - poor hubby. I can not even imagine having to continue this cycle. And, it seems to me that with just about every drug I take there is some kind of side effect!!
I haven't received my exact date - but they told me 5 weeks from the date I started the CPAP. We shall see....
I started researching this procedure over 4 yrs ago. Then I went to WW and lost a few pounds, just enough to make me ineligible for surgery. Of course after a year I had gained it all back plus another 10 lbs. Right back to square one. At that point my insurance would not cover it. Some sort of exclusion for bariatric surgeries. I did my research and found a plan that would cover it.
I did 6 mos. of supv. diet, along with meetings with nutritionist, sleep study and my co-morbities and was approved with first letter.
Support from others? Well yes and no. Husband and daughter (22yrs) are in agreement. Mother a little worried. Church members and Work - I am not sharing with many of them because I already know how they feel! Many think we are just taking the easy way out. I don't really think it is the easy way out.......having a surgery.......and then being determined to an entirely new way of eating for life. No Easy Button here
What's easy for one person is not necessarily easy for was easy for me to quit smoking (when I got saved - because some how, some way the Holy Spirit just blessed and empowered me miraculously)....just didn't happen that way with eating.
I am praying for you to be blessed with great success......and hope your 6 months passes by very quickly - approx when will the 6 mos. be complete? It helps me a lot to come to this web site and look at the before and after pics. and check out the message boards. Be encouraged, keep the faith, what God has for you, it is for you! What about you - Are you pleased with the support of your family, friends, doc???
Be blessed!!!

Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
You're so right Kathy, and you hit every point that I've been thinking about. For instance, I take medicine for hypertension--is that failing to trust God to deliver me from the condition? NO! I truly believe that He gave the doctors the weapons to fight in the physical realm, while we trust Him to fight our battles in the spiritual realm. And we will defeat the weight and any other condition we're dealing with, just as long as we trust Him.
Five weeks away, huh? Wow...I can't wait for my date to be that close! Are you getting the support you need from your doctor, family, friends, etc?
Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
Hi ladies. First of all, Praise the Lord who Is WORTHY of all the glory and honor!!! I am new to the board too and I am currently awaiting my lap band surgery. Should occur in about 5 more weeks. I am a little nervous any time I have a surgery and would appreciate all your prayers.
Yes, as Christians we know for a fact that God is willing to help us overcome the lust and temptation of the flesh. However, I believe this excess weight is more than just an overindulgence of flesh. Many of us have health issues we are dealing with and often as church goers we become a bit seditenary (sp?) in that we go to church and sit a lot (well sometimes we do a little leaping and praising the Lord
but you know what I mean and then we have lots of fellowship around food!!
To me, I see this surgery as life saving. People undergo other procedures and take medications every day that are intended to save or improve their lives. It's not that we don't trust our Heavenly Father, but more so that we see it as tool to help us become successful and healthy.
I think it has to be an individual decision but if you have peace about it then you should go for it. The next step for us is to put all of our trust in the Lord for our healing, recovery and successful endeavors to becoming fit for future service to Him and others that are counting on us.
Be blessed!

Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
Hi everyone, I'm brand new to the message board--haven't even had lap band surgery yet, but praying I'll be there in Feb 2007 (after my 6 month waiting period). I am SO glad to see this post, and yes, I LOVE THE LORD!!!
I've been grappling with this question since I first considered lap band surgery, and I'd love to know what you all think:
As Christians, we know that God is able to help us overcome every temptation of the flesh. Well, if we resort to weight loss surgery to deal with this particular battle, have we given up on trusting God to help us overcome obesity?

Topic: RE: Any Donald Lawrence Fans?
I am so glad to hear that you are a D.Lawrence fan. My mother use to sing with Tri-City. She died 4 years ago of breast cancer. He name is Robin Rowe-Stewart. She led Call on Jesus, Oh Peter and, And Yet I'm Still Saved. We are a singing family. I hope to talk with you more.
Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
Hi Kim
I live in Michigan and I belong to the Grand Old Church of God in Christ. I am a Missionary and my husband is an Elder. We both love the Lord and is constantly working in the vinyard. I had the lap band surgery on June 21st and sent home on full liquids for two week. I go back to see the doctor on July 6th then I believe I will be on Puree foods for 2 weeks. I am really tired of eating creamy foods but have prayed and asked God to help me do what I have to do heal inwardly. Have you had surgery and if so what Kind? I have had know problems other than my husband will not let me drive for two weeks and he really would like for me to stay in the house but he knows that aint happening. I have only go out to take care of busiiness and I do get really tired fast. I have a great support system and lots of friends that check on me daily. Sometimes when they come in the house they look at me as though they think I would loss my weight in one week. LOL
I have lost about 14 pounds post-op pounds. Everyone says that I should not worry about losing weight now just healing. Any weight I loss before my band is tighten is a plus. I will get my band tighten in another 5 weeks. Well I hope to here from you soon, I'm usually in the Lap Band room on the net seeing that is the surgery that I had and it is very informative. I need to know all the ends and outs of this new way of life and they have helped me so much to understand this whole process. Keep in touch! Pray for me as I will pray for you. Ana

Topic: RE: Born again Bandsters!
Hi Ana,
You are NOT alone, although sometimes it might seem like it. My name is Kim and I have been on the boards in last November. I too love the Lord. I know that I am not perfect I want to strive everyday to please the Lord.
Keep me in your prayers.