CD benefit project
Check out my updated profile for you to learn more about me, and check out a few websites that tell more about a subject I love to talk about, my daughter Olivija. She's 7 and in first grade, and when she was born she was 4 months early and weighed 1lb 7oz. I get to live with a miracle! Check out her story with this link - I recently released a CD of Gospel music and a few original compositions entitled "Olivija's Lullaby". The tracks include I love to tell the Story, What a Friend we have in Jesus, Abide with Me, This is my Father's World, and others. It's a benefit project to help families at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where Olivija lived her first 87 days of life. Check it out at
She and my daughter Sofia (3) and wife Karina are huge motivations for me to get my health back. It just doesn't make sense to live with a miracle and throw one's own life away.
With every walk I take, I feel stronger and more ready for the big day. 3 weeks from TODAY! Thanks for all the support, guys.