Can't find info!!!!

Krista N.
on 9/18/05 7:56 am - Imperial Beach, CA
Hi everyone, I have been looking for info. on my deceased Grandmas Birth Mother. I have my grandmas original adoption papers. (Almost a hundred years old ) I had to stop looking, because my husband told me I was getting to caught up in the whole thing. ( Yes, I think I was too ) Well if ANYONE can lead me, or give me some information on where to look. I would be SO greatly thankful for your information. My grandma was born on (I found out the real Birth date ) August 22, 1914. Her birth name was Edith Smith, and her birth mother's name on the birth certificate was Anna Smith. All I know is she was a student in Berkely, CA ( Dont know if it was high school or the University of Berkely ) My grandma was given up to the San Francisco Native Son & Daughters of Homeless Children for 8 days, before being given to a family that wanted to adopt her. ( My grandma loved them too very much ). What I think or feel is.... My grandmas birth mother was sent to a maternity home for the unwed mothers, and then the baby was taken away right after she delivered her. I've been to the San Diego Main Library, spoke with VERY nice people at the San Francisco Library. I've done just about everything I think I could have. Census's, Phone Books, Maternity Home Places, etc. Can anyone.... please help me or direct me to the right direction??? You have NO idea how much that would mean to me.... Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I know its a long one!! Sincerely, Krista (Granddaughters Mission)
Penny P.
on 1/1/06 5:17 am - Muskegon, MI
Hi Krista, It's been a long time sense you wrote this post so I'm hoping you are still here.... Don't give up the search for your grandmothers birth family.... I have done tons of research for adoptive members of my family and we have recovered one uncle's family ... he was already dead...... one step grandmother..... and one of her 3 children she gave up..... and I just recently helped a man write a book for his father who had been adopted......... I provided all the research to extend his family back to when they came to the united states in 1749... all he had was one generation. Now His 88 year old father knows where he came from ... and He cried like a baby at Christmas time when the book was presented to him. 20 years of my research made this man cry ... so it was worth all the effort. It's a personal choice to do research for ones loved ones. Please don't let outsiders tell you's a waste of time. It's not, and someday it will pay off for you or someone else you haven't even met yet. Good Luck to you, and happy hunting. Penny
Valencia S.
on 1/2/06 5:40 pm - Longview, TX
Don't give up! After years of searching, I found the records on my dad's brother and sister in Denver. My daddy was not put up for adoption, being the oldest, he went to stay with an uncle. Just last year, his brother's kids contacted me after seeing a post on Rootsweb. Good luck!
Margo M.
on 7/19/06 12:10 pm - Elyria, OH
"My grandma was given up to the San Francisco Native Son & Daughters of Homeless Children " ~~what did that agency become in later years? i mean, was there a new name given to the agency? where were/are any of their records housed? maybe a local church was connected to them? wow- those are old papers! i was 46 when i found my birth mom and now have a whole family!!i was born in a "home" and mom got to hold me for 5 days cuz i was underweight. i am sure taht things were different longer ago. if there is anything that i can do to help let me know-what a wonderful legacy you are working on! and -don't give up!!!!
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