Today is my 2 year Rebirth day!!!
Hi all,
Two years ago today, I had my surgery. Today I am feeling so completely wonderful that I need to share.
I can honestly tell you that all of my pre-surgery dreams and desires concerning my outcome from WLS have all been either met or surpassed. I am feeling wonderful, happy, and humbled.
I thought that I would share some of my losses and gains with you, so here goes:
I have lost:
225 pounds.
28 inches in my Chest
29 inches in my Waist
30 inches in my Hips
1.3 inches in my Wrist
2.7 inches in my Forearm (Total Loss of Inches in these 5 areas = 91 Inches!)
The morbid feeling that I wouldn't live long
Buying and taking 6 prescription drugs a day
being humiliated and embarrassed about my size
The need for buying at fat-girl specialty stores
A negative outlook on life
I have gained:
A new wardrobe
Self confidence
Extra attention from my girl
A sense of truly living that I didn't think I would ever have
Respect from others who admire my accomplishments
A promotion at work
Pride in myself
A membership at a gym
Appreciation and enjoyment of exercise
Sitting anywhere I want, wherever I go
A positive outlook
A new smile
A lot of wonderful WLS friends
I am going out tonight to celebrate with friends. Gonna shake my butt and boogie till the cows come home! WOoooooooooooooooo HOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Rebirthday, Amy!
Ever since I found this board about a year ago, you've been a wonderful inspiration to me! Seeing your success has been such a motivator. And your posts are always helpful and insightful.
Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us!