OT: Female question..sorry guys..
Hello ladies...
Okay, here I am 7 months out and I was just wondering...hmmm...WHEN DOES MY PERIOD STOP FREAKING OUT???? I went from naturally being every 28 days on the dot to 24, 32, 25, etc. And it seems like it is here FOREVER when it does finally arrive. I knew things would get a little messed up with the surgery, but geez, 7 months?? I am not running to the doc because my GF and two other friends all had their surgery around mine and their periods are crazy too.
The last thing I want is to go on the Pill or something to regulate it--too many side affects (kills the libido--ouch!!!!). So, please give me some hope that there is an end to this.
Thank you!
At least you know you're not pregnant! (sorry).
Wish I could help but I had a hysterectomy a couple of years ago!
Weight loss itself can play havoc with your homones though - they are retained in fat and as you lose weight they are released.
I think it will stabilise but if you're worried or it's really really irritating you - off to the doctor with you!