2-Month Bandiversary- Down 34 pounds!

Jenn S
on 11/12/05 3:37 pm - Seattle, WA
Hi all, Just wanted to report in at the 2-month mark of getting my lap-band - I'm down 34 pounds to 224!! I've updated my photos on my profile (found a better 'before' shot too) and also posted front, back and side photos from day of surgery on Sept. 12, Oct. 12 and Nov. 12 at: http://www.shesshrinking.blogspot.com I just got my 2nd fill and I think I now get what restriction is!! Holy cow! I had my 2nd PB last night as I horked up a chunk of chicken - I really find PB's to be rather traumatic, but it's always my fault for not chewing or taking too big a bite. This one was really a result of the new fill, and getting used to it.... Some tidbits: - Up until fill #2 this week, I've been able to eat if I chose to; now there will be no more choice - which is good, but another adjustment. I'm ok with that - I'm getting to the gym just about every day, doing workouts I like - mostly cardio between 35 - 60 minutes. I got an iPod Nano and budget for buying music that inspires my workouts! It sure helps! - I was busting out a size 24 pants, and now wear mostly 20's but still a few 22's. - I was starting to push size 22/24 tops, but now am squarely in an 18/20 and even some 14/16's at Lane Bryant! How about that! - The scale never goes up - it may hang out in the same spot for a bit, but never goes up. That is so nice! - I am so happy I did this!!!! Thanks for listening! I hope everyone is well! Jenn 258/224/155ish
on 11/13/05 2:33 am - EAST BAY, CA
Congratulations on your success!!!! I am happy you are doing well, and happy with your decision! Keep up the good work! Maureen
Jenn S
on 11/13/05 12:10 pm - Seattle, WA
Thanks Maureen! Holy crapola, your going have your surgery in like 5 minutes!!! Wow! The countdown begins! ~Jenn
Jessica D.
on 11/13/05 10:51 am - Edmonds, WA
Yippidy doo dah, Jenn!!! You're on a mission, and you're movin' fast!!! I'm happy that YOU'RE happy you did this! That is what matters. You're getting in your exercise, feeling good in your size 20's!!! I know that feeling: just was able to buy size 20 jeans and they fit perfectly!!! I gave away my size 26/28s and my 22/24 pants; but I have to keep the 22 shirts...I'm a bit heavier up top than down below.... Soon, you know, you won't be able to shop at Lane Bryant!!!! All their stuff will be too BIG!!! I love Lane Bryant, don't get me wrong, but, if you don't have to be limited in the stores you can buy your clothes: go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations skinny girl! Jessica
Jenn S
on 11/13/05 12:12 pm - Seattle, WA
Jessica, Man, you are kickin' booty doing it all on your own! Way to go! It's all very exciting isn't it? Though, we are totally opposite - I'm so much bigger on the bottom than up-top, but as long as it's going away, I don't really care where it leaves from Take care & keep up the good work! ~Jenn
on 11/14/05 12:53 pm - Milton, DE
Congrats Jen! You look mahvahlous! Rosa
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