Post from today
Hey Family, this is what I posted on the main board, and wanted to post it here for support...
By the way, how is everyone doing? I'm sorry I've been MIA lately...just a lot going on...I haven't forgotten ANYONE and I'm sorry if I've neglected yall...I love you guys How was your weekend? Anything going on???
Hey guys
haven't posted in a long time...
I'm down officially 125#
However, for the past two weeks, I just haven't been eating much, and haven't wanted to eat.
When I do eat, my stomach cramps so hard with anything that it just makes me sick to think about eating...
I haven't been getting near enough of ANYTHING... no flamers, I know what to do, just can't move myself to do it...
Stress is really bad right now, too, and I used to eat, eat eat when I got emotional and stressed, now I can't and well, I'm not sad it's just weird...
Everyone's telling me that the weight is coming off so fast now, and they are terribly worried about me, yeah me too....but what can I do?
My surgeon told me, when I don't eat, just double up on vitamins and everything...I'm doing that, too...
anyways, just wanted to throw this out there and see what yall have to say...
If you must flame, please, be gentle. I know that i have to eat, but I just can't.
Hey girly,
Don't worry about not posting here every day. If you are stressed, there's no need to add more stress or feelings of guilt. The good thing about this place is that everyone is so accepting all the time. We understand. Our lives get busy and sometimes we can't always be around (it just sucks when you have to try and play catch up like I did this morning). I am sending you an email, so check that sweetie. Hope things get better. {{{ }}}
Honeybunches! Why all the stress??
What's happening? How's that new girl of yours??
School?? Is it causing you bunches of stress?? What can we do for you? Need some extra love?
It's hard to eat when you're really stressin'. Nobody's gonna flame you...if they do, we'll get 'em for you!!!
It's time for you to take care of yourself. When is school done?? What else is causing you stress that we can take care of? Write me and let me know if you just need to talk... I'm here!!
Hey, Silly Wabbit - It's not the L word? .. LoVe?
Sometimes when I don't eat for awhile my stomach cramps. Other times no problem. I don't fully know, but I think you need to at least push through that with protein shakes because you want to try to get enough protein to maintain muscle or your body will start taking it from other parts, like the heart, which sounds crazy, but the body does what it needs to do to survive - it's a muscle/protein..
IT is serious and it's smart of you to recognize it and reach out. Keep reaching.. I'm here for you as are so many others. You are loved.