3 Week Update

on 10/12/05 7:41 am - Otsego, MN
Well, I can't believe it, today marks three weeks since having surgery. I am bored silly at home!! Things are going relatively well. I am able to eat and drink everything I have tried. I have yet to throw-up or dump on anything. YEA!! I take all my vitamins each day (multivitamin, calcium, and actigall) and have rarely missed a dose. I have not taken any pain meds since I got home from the hospital, and now have a full perscription of percocet for recreational use (Remember I am bored silly...LOL just kidding). The only complication I have is with my leg. Leg? How could I have a problem with my leg? Let me explain. My doctor feels that if he wraps a small piece of tissue around the connection between the stoma and the intestine, it will hopefully prevent that area from streching in the future, and provide for a higher weightloss. Because I had my surgery done LAP, they needed to harvest the tissue from my leg (because the LAP instruments cannot harvest in that small of an area). In an open procedure the doc will just take the tissue from the abdomen. Anyway to make a long story short, the 4in incision in my leg has "broke" open and is providing lots of puss for me to deal with. I am just happy it has not gotten infected. I am totally happy with my progress so far and if I had to make the choice again, I definately would. And now for the numbers..... drum roll please Maureen........ Inital Consultation: 353lbs Day of Surgery: 325lbs (9/21/05) Yesterday: 303lbs Total Loss: 50lbs So far I am very happy with the results! Thats the 3 week update! Hope everyone is having a great succes in their own journeys!! Chad
on 10/12/05 7:52 am - Middletown, NY
Lap Band on 04/04/03 with
((((((((CHad)))))))) Congrats on the weight loss!!!! 50 lbs!!! WOW!!! That is SOOO great!! Keep up the great work and give us updates every now and then! Carol
(deactivated member)
on 10/12/05 10:12 am - Milwaukee, WI
Wow, Chad, you're doing awesome! To help pass the time, here are a few suggestions/activities you can try: 1) Harvest your leg puss and sell it for medical research. 2) Make funny faces with your stomach using your growing region of excess belly skin. If you come up with a good variety, you can make up stomach skits for entertaining visiting friends. 3) Go to a local Linens n Things or Bed Bath & Beyond or other similar stores and line up all the scales. Step from one to the other to see how much weight you gain or lose with each one. Good luck and happy losing! Jen
on 10/12/05 10:23 am - Otsego, MN
Puss for medical research? Hmmm I have just been using it to make virgin daiquris. Mostly strawberry because the puss matches in color, but harvesting for medical research is a great idea along with the scale jumpin. Should keep me busy tomorrow! LOL Chad
& Then Some
on 10/12/05 11:05 am - in, FL
CHAD! The way you decribed it - the breaking open of a wound with puss doesn't sound good. It sounds like it's infected. Call your doctor and let him/her decide. Congrats on the wt loss so far though.
David B.
on 10/12/05 11:37 am - Modesto, CA
Chad great update, Thanks. UMMMMMMMMMM pus. I have to say 50 lbs. gone, that is a little person in my class. Isn't that cool. Are you getting out of the house? Talk to Tink and ask her what she has been doing. Lova ya Tink Congrats to you, and do try making faces on your belly, it is fun. All my faces are now old because of alllllll the sagging. D
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/05 6:23 am - Oakdale, CA
Hey MR!!! Leave me out of this one I am the innocent one here I have been a good girl lately. Really I have Faces with my belly... hm.. haven't tried this one. Don't know if I want to either. My poor belly has those blisters from the steri strips (wish I knew I was allergic to them earlier) and then the burn I got from the curling iron (don't ask). I think instead of making faces, they could have wars because they are all beat up. Hey, at least my bruising is almost gone.
(deactivated member)
on 10/13/05 6:19 am - Oakdale, CA
Yay Chad!!! I am so glad to hear that things are going so well for you. 3 weeks already huh? I didn't remember only being 2 weeks apart from you. How fun is that. I can bug you about what to expect next As for being bored, tell me about it. My friends are laughing at me telling me it's time for me to go back to work. I don't go bac****il the 31st though when we track back on. I am working for another teacher the next two Wednesdays, so maybe I won't be so crazy! I wish I was doing as well as you are on the vitamins. There doesn't seem to be enough time for me to wait 3 hours between the Calcium Citrate and the Iron. I guess if I wasn't such a ditz then this wouldn't be a problem. Gosh, one day I will get it a straight. I haven't remembered to take that ulcer pill for the last 3 days either. At least one of us remembers right? So you are doing fine in getting your meals in? I am always so far behind. Like I just had breakfast awhile ago, and still need to get my protein shake in before I have lunch, and it's past lunch time! Ack. I swear I will get this straight eventually. I hear you on the full bottle of pain medication. Did you notice that we get a refil on the pain medication too? Talk about extra recreational use. LOL j/k. I don't like pain medications, I actually got mine disconnected the morning after surgery because I hated it. About your leg.... gosh, the idea of puss isn't going to help me get my protein shake in that I desperately need right now I guess that's good if that's the only problem you have. I had lap but didn't have an incision in my leg. I guess each doc is different. I am so excited that you are having such great success this early! Keep up the good work. Hey, if you get soooooo bored, you could leave right now and maybe you will make it for our meeting tomorrow. j/k. I think I typed enough so that you weren't bored temporarily. I guess it's time I get going. I look forward to hearing more about your journey! Tink
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