Help, I need suggestions!!

Stacey G
on 9/8/05 7:46 am - Stow, OH
Ok - I am six weeks out and the head hunger is kicking in !! I dreamt last night that I ate a cinnabon and tolerated it. I swear I could almost taste it !! Today at work I was sitting at my desk this afternoon obsessing about food. I so wanted to hit the vending machine (my pre op ritual)!! The funny thing is that most things I have been eating the past week except yogurt or string cheese has been making me sick !! I know it was strictly in my head but it was tough!! Please give me some suggestions !! Stacey
on 9/8/05 8:51 am - Otsego, MN
Hi Stacey, I am still pre-op and don't have a lot of advice to offer, but Wednesday I started a strict liquid diet (dr. orders) to prepare for surgery on the 21st. Right now I am so hungry I could eat a pile of dirt, make that a pile of dirt with worms (I need the protein)!! Anyway..... All day yesterday and today I have been thinking about food. Anytime I begin to obsess, I get up from what I am doing and do something else to my mind thinking of something else. Things such as going for a walk, calling a friend on the phone, read these boards, clean the house. ANYTHING to keep me occupied. I know its tough, hang in there, your doing such a great job already!!
David B.
on 9/8/05 10:21 am - Modesto, CA
Way to go Chad. Do something else. I know I can't eat if I drink water. So drink water, then some more water. It is hard to get all your water in anyway so work on that. I also know that if you do eat, eat protien. Find all the protien items that you can eat, and have some handy when you want to eat. Just remember it feels so good to lose that weight for good. Love to all. On the journey, David
Stacey G
on 9/8/05 10:49 pm - Stow, OH
Hi David - It does feel good to lose the weight and know that next week I am not going to gain it back ! I am not tolerating water to well but am drinking crystal light and ice tea. That does seem to help. It really is just the "boredom" hunger I need to handle better!! Thanks - Stacey
special kay
on 9/8/05 12:15 pm - Ladson, SC
A pile of dirt huh ?
Stacey G
on 9/8/05 10:46 pm - Stow, OH
Wow - a pile of dirt with worms - I am not to that point yet - lol !! I appreciate the advice and support. I am really trying to distract myself it is harder at work though than at home! I will hang in there and I know I will make it through - I just would have loved to have that cinnabon I dreamt about ! Thanks - Stacey
& Then Some
on 9/8/05 10:23 am - in, FL
Hi Stacey I remember when I was where you are...I was hungry and pissed that something was wrong. My peers were NOT hungry and naturally I thought I failed again.. I was already planning for another surgery.. good thing, it did pass and I think yours will too. I started walking and meaning it! ...that helped. I stuck to a protein based diet and that helped..I "water loaded" my pouch and that helped.. hope that helps Jo-Ell RNY 4/6/05 265/175/130
Stacey G
on 9/8/05 10:55 pm - Stow, OH
Thanks Jo-Ell - I am sure it will pass too. I know it is about breaking those old habits and my mind playing tricks on me! I am going to try and drink even more and see if that helps. Unfortunately I can't do the walking at work but I could at least get up and move around when my mind starts to wonder. I have started two exercise classes and am very excited about it. I also could up my protien - that is just so hard!! Thank You - Stacey
Cheri B
on 9/8/05 1:33 pm - Forked River, NJ
Well....I have to go ahead and say this....Only because of what happened to me. Is is nearly your time of the month? I remember when I was PMS'ing...I was SOOOO hungry. And this was three weeks after sugery. I have never experienced hunger pangs during that week before, but I felt like if I didn't have cake I was going to die! It happened again the next maybe that has changed for me along with everything else. Oh well...just my thoughts! -Cheri
Stacey G
on 9/8/05 10:58 pm - Stow, OH
Hi Cheri - I almost wish that PMS could be the reason (instead of it being old habits wanting to creep bakc up) but no it's not that time. In fact, pre-op, I was always a huge chocolate craver when I was PMSing but this last time I didn't even give chocolate a thought! I hope it stays that way and I hope your's goes back to no hunger pains!! Thanks and good luck - Stacey
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