A new stage in my journey

on 9/6/05 10:23 am - Otsego, MN
Before I begin, I want to apologize for not posting much. The last couple weeks have been really busy for me. I especially want to apologize to Maureen and David, thanks for checking up on me! Well I am happy to report that tomorrow begins a new stage in my journey. Tomorrow I begin my two week liquid diet. My entire day of food will consist of only 800 calories and 80 grams of protein. So tonight I had my last supper. It consisted of fried chicken and potato salad. I don't think I have even sucked the bones dry like I did tonight, there was NO meat left when I was through hehehe. I know the next 3 weeks or so may be the toughest I have ever had to face in my entire life, but I feel deep down inside that I am ready for this change. I hope/know that I can count on all of you to support me during this time. If anyone has tips that will get me through the liquid diet and the first part of recovery, I am all ears!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/05 10:53 am - Milwaukee, WI
Hey Buddy, I'm just a couple weeks ahead of you. In fact, I'm still post-op liquid and did 2 weeks of pre-op liquid. My best suggestion is to really drink, drink, drin****pt myself full of liquids pre-op...and looked forward to my protein shakes like buffets! I drank a lot of chicken broth and found that I liked it best if it was a bit more concentrated than what the directions call for. Still give yourself meals--broth, jello, protein shake for dessert. And drink a variety of things inbetween. The more variety I had, the less I felt like I was missing out. And remember to keep your goal in sight. You are doing this for one reason and that is to prepare yourself for surgery. I felt like if I could get through 2 weeks of liquid pre-op, I could kick butt post-up. And it worked! Plus, remember that any weight you lose NOW will not be coming back! It's like a running start for surgery! Good luck...email me if you need support! Jen
on 9/6/05 1:20 pm - EAST BAY, CA
Hey BAAABBBAAAAYYYYYY You remember this evening, and the pre-op diet, because I am going to be calling on you (and Jen, David, Beth and all my WLS buddies online) when I go through it and you are all old pro's!!!! When you get cranky, we'll be here! When you get giddy with hunger, we'll be here When you want to quit and cheat (remember, don't you swollow!) and we'll be here When one more protein shake, cup of broth, popcicle is going to make you barf well....you get the tune...... NOW, for ignoring me for ssssssssooooooooooooooo long....it will be ever so costly......so start bowing buddy, or we are going to Nordstroms!!!! Maureen
David B.
on 9/7/05 10:50 am - Modesto, CA
Hey welcome back it is good to see you. Two weeks? I didn't have to do that before surgery. That would have been tough. Best of luck to you on that. Recovery now that was easy. I couldn't eat. I didn't want to eat. I cooked for Eric -my suggestion not his- and it didn't bother me at all. Recovery comes with enough of the other BS-the farts-the gas- the not being able to sleep the way you want to-the farts-the gas-did I say gas? You can count on us for support. You have an or a friend to keep us posted? Get in touch with someone to let us know. Love to you, David
on 9/7/05 1:19 pm - TACOMA, WA
Those protein drinks, ya gotta love um. I felt like a scientist mixing and blending. I found some really high protein drinks that tasted pretty good. Even then they are hard to get down. Now I'm 3 weeks out and I can have other stuff and have the protein as snacks because I freeze them it 4 oz. cups. Water is another thing. I got surar free jello to put some flavor in it. Find it really hard to drink as much as they tell you to. Next week I see the nutritianist and see what's next. I miss chewing, crunching. So I got gum. They tell you not to because you might swallow it.. But it takes the edge off. Hang in there, everything passes. That's what I try to say to myself. . . most of the time it works. . . and when it doesn't I come to this sight. Good luck, Marge
(deactivated member)
on 9/11/05 1:45 pm - AL
((((((((((((((((((CHAD))))))))))))))))))))))))) Sending you some endurance wishes to help support you thru this stage in your journey... as Tony Little, the Gazelle guy says "YOU CAN DO ITTTTTTTTT"
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