Weekend ramblings: 1 week post op

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/05 2:14 am - Milwaukee, WI
I am BORED! BORED, BORED, BORED! My head feels 110%. But my body is still only pushing about 80%. So I watch a lot of TV, I've been reading through old magazines (now I can finally throw them away) and I've been plotting for ways to get in all required protein and fluids without missing sleep. TIP for soon to be post-ops: Don'****ch Food TV. You think you can handle it, but pretty soon all you do is obsess about food. Hambuger helper looks like heaven. Sonic cheesesteaks look like gourmet fare. Instead, opt for the Nat'l Geographic channel where you can learn about cultures that eat bugs and humans. This helps curb the head hunger. When you just need to crunch: In desperation last night I reached for a pickle. Crunched away and then spit it out. Satisfied my need to taste something other than pureed soup and protein shakes. However, DO NOT follow with a sip of lemonade. Scale obsession: sometimes you don't lose a friggin' ounce after you've peed a gallon. Go figure. But if I put the scale in the middle of the floor, step on it backwards and then lift my right foot about 1-3/8 inches off the platform, I will lose 37 pounds. Bowel movements: why didn't anyone warn me about butt explosions?????? I need to turn the tv up 10 decimals just so noone hears the fireworks. I still haven't figured out what to do about the neighbors. I might start walking around with a helf-empty ketchup bottle so I can make fart noises all the time--that way the neighbors will think I'm just a weirdo and not a fart ***** Ok. Enough for today. I'll be back soon with some enlightening ruminations for all. Jen
David B.
on 9/5/05 3:15 am - Modesto, CA
Thanks. I need to get a Ketchup bottle too. You know your head is at 110% you are doing well. In a few weeks you may go through "Why did I do this?" I did and I have talked to many that have. It's just part of the head games we play on ourselves. Get as much water as you can. I have been meaning to post about a popscicle that I made. I went to GNC and got some liquid protien. 3 tablespoons = 22 grams. I put them in the freezer and bam I had some crunch and protien. I love the SF popsciles. I went and got some more last night. They give you the sweet and crunch. Pickles were one of my first foods after I was able to eat solids. I cut them up really fine and put them in my tuna. Yummmmy. David
on 9/5/05 11:03 pm - Malvern, PA
David, What a great idea about freezing the liquid protein. Is there a brand name or is it just the GNC brand. I need to go there after the gym today. I so did not get my protein in for the last two days because I'm sick of protein!!!! Chip
& Then Some
on 9/5/05 4:50 am - in, FL
LOL I'm laughing with you, not at you, riiight
on 9/5/05 1:17 pm - SoCal., CA
I have a remote control fart machine ! Perhaps your other half could get you one if your still too worn out to go shop yourself. Won't help your explosions but it's pretty entertaining to take to Starbucks or work ! In the meantime be proud ! Where do you think all the bubbles in this come from ?
on 9/5/05 3:57 pm - EAST BAY, CA
Apparently Bordeom does wonders for a sense of humor!!!!! Maureen PMS: I wonder if anyone can create an emoticon for the butt explosion visual I cannot get out of my head!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/05 10:06 am - AL
you are a NUT you FART ***** YOU thanks for making my day sunshine
on 9/7/05 1:05 pm - TACOMA, WA
Hi, I'm on my 3rd week. The protein drinks are getting hardeer and harder to drink. I'll have one liquid in the morning but I freeze the rest. It's a little better that way. I tried a scrambled egg this morning. Only could get half down. Soups are OK for now. I was weighing my self every day for a while then I had to stop. It was driving me crazy. Staying at home was driving crazy. I haven't been going bye-bye enough. Have you counted all the food ads on TV? The food shows!! I can't decide what solid food I'm going to try first. I did try baby food. Can't believe how bad that was. I saw my doc yesterday and I'm down 25lbs!! Not that there a change in my clothes. Maybe I'm just puffy from surgery. I feel great. And now motivated. Hope you do too. Hang in there. Keep smilin' it helps Marge
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