How have you responded to comments such as....................................

on 9/3/05 11:20 am - SoCal., CA
1) "WLS is the easy way out." 2) "You just have to exercise more." 3) "Why don't you go back to that program with the chocolate shakes ? " 4) "Surgery scares me to death there's got to be a better way to lose weight." 5) " Try the Zone diet, I lost 25 lbs and have kept it all off !" ( 25 lbs, whoop- de- doo.) 6) " You have to be diciplined and commited to get the weight off." I added my whoop-de-do to #5 not to dis a 25lbs weight loss but because a person who need only lose 25 lbs is not in the same predicament as people who persue WLS. To top it off it was my PCP who made that comment when I asked for a WLS referral ! I did find a WLS friendly doc pronto thereafter. Any pearls of wisdom ??
David B.
on 9/3/05 11:44 am - Modesto, CA
#1 WLS is harder than anyone knows. #2 I would if I could do it, but at over 300-at one point- getting out of bed and doing a days work was all I could do. #3 I could also wire my jaws shut like I did in 95. That was great only shakes. The moment I ate real food again I gained it all back. The Jenny Craig and Nutra Systems was good too but the sodium started to kill people so I gave those up. #4 They have tried pills, that killed people, diets work then you gain it back. Yes Surgery is scary, but so is seeing that you are MO and how many years that takes off of your life. The Diabeties also takes years off of your life, and so do clogged veins....These are scary measures for those of us who have tried everything else. I am watching my Mom die from all of these factors because she didnt have insurance.It is a slow and painful death. #5 If I had to lose 25 lbs only....whoop-de-do is all I can say also. #6 You talk about disipline...after surgery I have been more diciplined then ever. I have to get in my protien, my vitamins, my water, my exersice. After our 2 year honeymoon with our new pouch we can gain it all back. I need the chance to live my life in a "normal" size body once in my life so I will know what it feels like. This will be the motivation I need to keep to my program for the rest of my life. I could say more, but my last 2 posts have been really long. Love to all. On the journey David
on 9/4/05 7:04 am - EAST BAY, CA
1) "WLS is the easy way out." No one has said that to me, but since I have lost #46, I get "Well you can lose weight, so you don't need surgery." And they are genuanlly surpised when I say I am going to go through with the surgery. 2) "You just have to exercise more." All of America needs to exercise more! 3) "Why don't you go back to that program with the chocolate shakes ? " Do you wan't chocolate shakes every day for two or more meals EVERYDAY??? 4) "Surgery scares me to death there's got to be a better way to lose weight." Surgery scares me too, and if I had not tried dieting for the past 20+ years, and been diabetic and over 200# overweight, I might want to try to stay in the 97.5% of people who have attempted to lose weight only to regain it all back + more in a year or less. 5) " Try the Zone diet, I lost 25 lbs and have kept it all off !" ( 25 lbs, whoop- de- doo.) How long? The Zone has only been around for what 2 years? Weight loss surgery is not for those who have less than 100# to lose. 25#, although a lot of weight, and I'd be happy to lose 25 more, what do I do to get the other 200 off? 6) " You have to be diciplined and commited to get the weight off." Yes, Yes you do. I have been very fortunate. I have not gotten any resistance to the WLS, well some, but nothing that I felt would make me change my mind (unless I find the memorial page again....OMG) I was fortunate in the same way about when I came out, I came out, and stayed out.....when that is what anyone knows all along, what can they be shocked about. My family/firends/co-workers would be more shocked to see me under 200#!!!!
Cheri B
on 9/4/05 1:04 pm - Forked River, NJ we go... 1) I always say the easy way out is being able to afford a personal trainer and chef 2) Yes I know I have to exercise does everybody. 3) Sure I will take the chocolate shakes and snack ALL DAY. 4) I wouldn't be considering surgery unless I really needed it for me. 5) I wasn't told this (Zone diet). I was told to go listen to Dr. Phil--since he is so skinny and fit himself. I adopted a 'whatever' attitude to Dr. Phil. 6) Of course I have to be disciplined, I wasn't prior to WLS. Now I am.
on 9/4/05 1:07 pm - Twin Falls, ID
Someone has this on their surgery page and I thought it was absolutely wonderful - I wish I could remember who's page it was, when I saw it I just printed it and sat it aside and before I noted who's page it was i forgot what i was doing.... Weight Loss Surgery is the Easy Way Out! · WLS is easier than being short of breath constantly · WLS is easier than not being able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time · WLS is easier than not being able to do my own shopping · WLS is easier than living with (or dying from) sleep apnea, diabetes, or hypertension · WLS is easier than having back surgeries every couple of years as my spine degenerates under my weight · WLS is easier than the unbearable pain in my hips, knees, and ankles · WLS is easier than facing the spectre of additional, life-threatening comorbities · WLS is easier than seeing my children's faces when I cannot participate in their activities · WLS is easier than worrying about how clean I am · WLS is easier than placing my faith in diets that the medical world acknowledges are 95% unsuccessful · I am certain anyone reading this can add eloquently to this list. So, next time someone suggests that this is the "easy way", just agree by saying: "Sure is, just like living is easier than dying" -author unknown
on 9/5/05 1:20 pm - SoCal., CA
Oh that's good. Thanks !
(deactivated member)
on 9/6/05 10:42 am - AL
LOL I debated about posting my reply, but I simply say F*** OFF LOL but not to elderly people...
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