Very Depressed.

on 8/25/05 11:55 am - Milwaukee, WI
Hi family, I am just tired of living this way. I can bearly walk, It took me the longest time to walk to my car today . I have a hard time breathing my employer have it so cold at work that my knees hurt even worst. My ankles are so swollen they feel like they are going to bust. Sleep apnea make me so sleep I hate driving I am scare to drive, i have fallen asleep behind the wheel of my car on several occasions. I feel like just getting on disablity but I am too young for that I don't want to do that I want to be like I was in high school when I was a outgoing cheerleading with lots of energy. I don't even feel like a woman anymore. I can't clean my house, I have the hardest time getting in any postions or just even breathing to make love to my parnter. She said that she is tried of running she does everthing. I feel like a burdon to her. I just don't know. I love you guys, I love this website I am happy when someone gets approved it just seems like it is just so easy from some people. And some people just have to fight. I have been denied so many times that I know that wls is a covered expense with my parnter's insurance but in the back of my mind they are going to deny me too. My parnter is really positive that I will be approved. My only problem is my old life I just hope the i don't have a long droun out divorce. Thank you for letting me vent I am going to dry my eyes and go to bed.
Cheri B
on 8/25/05 12:06 pm - Forked River, NJ
Sherry-I don't think you see the positive attitude that shines through in your messages all the time (you always keep trying). I know it's rough right now, and I would not have wanted to go through what you have experienced. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It will come. Just believe in yourself, the love you have for your partner, and the expectation that you are going to get an APPROVAL letter soon!!!!! Take care......Cheri
special kay
on 8/25/05 12:17 pm - Ladson, SC
Sherry I just wanted to send you a big hug ((((((Sherry)))))) I am sorry things are a little rough now. Just keep the faith and know that God is walking with you every painful step of the way. Just know that you are not the only one in this situation so please dont give up. Sometimes things get worse before they get better. We weight about the same so I understand how your body feels. My doctor told me no more salt and gave me some water pills for my legs and feet swelling. It has helped so much. We all are praying and crossing our fingers that things look up for you very soon! Take Care, Kay
David B.
on 8/25/05 1:26 pm - Modesto, CA
Sherry, I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this pain. Go out on disability. Screw them, that is no way to treat a person. You have had to go through so much at work these last few weeks. I tell you for a person to deal with what you have done and then be denied......OH THAT MAKES ME SO MAD. OK I needed that. Honey, I will bring your name up in church this Sunday and bring you into our prayers. God is with you and will be there. Don't give up. Love to you and your great Partner. David
on 8/25/05 2:24 pm - Milwaukee, WI
Thank you family for all your support. i am so glad that you guys are here. again thank you so much.
on 8/25/05 4:21 pm - SoCal., CA
Ya know Sherry ? You have been working & working as best you can for a long time now. Despite your physical pain you've managed to hold down a job and care for your family. Maybe it's time to give yourself a break and go out on disability. You can get the rest you need and not hurt so much. I think that being on disability due to obesity can only help in getting approval for surgery. You're a strong person and I know you'll hang in there and eventually succeed in getting surgery. I'm sorry you feel so down right now.......give disability some more thought ? It certainly would'nt mean you've failed in any way if that's what worries you. Take care of yourself and get some in your now !
(deactivated member)
on 8/29/05 5:53 am - AL
((((((((((((((((((Sherry)))))))))))))))))))))) Aww hunni I'm sorry you're dealing with this mess. I know how you feel, we all do, cuz we've all been there, or still there. I'm sorry I gotta cut this short, but Katrina i****ting me harder and harder right now and power is flickering I'm gonna check on you after the storm, I hope power is still intact
on 8/30/05 2:37 pm - EAST BAY, CA
Sherry, I hope this finds you in better spirits! If I remember correctly, you can sign up with your partner's insurance in September, so the wait may not be as long as you expect. Keep praying, and I'll keep you in my prayers....but ya gotta be good you yourself in the mean time, ok? Maureen
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