I attended my god-daughters birthday party yesterday and and I overcame to temptation. I only ate about 4 cheetos and half of a hot dog (no bun), but I feel horrible about it. I'm suppose to be on soft foods. How can I give in so easily and so quickly? I'm barely 4 weeks post-op, I have such a long way to go. I'm not feeling very confident right now.
Cheetos munch down to nothing
Hot dogs ARE soft foods hehehe
Just follow doctor's orders hunni!
You don't get down about this!!!! You're doing GREAT!!!! Hey, you realized your nono
foods! Well, just the Cheetos basically
Don't you worry! Lift that pretty head up and just keep on truckin
You didn't say anything about eating birthday cake. I made that mistake at 2 months out. WRONG thing to do!! We'll always have temptations in front of us. If you falter, it's not the end of the world - - start fresh the next day. All will be fine. You're ahead of the game by having surgery in the first place. You go girl !!