I am DYING...
...of anxiety, worry, impatience...
...because my request for surgery approval has been with the insurance company since 7/26. And they told me it takes 3-7 days for medical review. I CANNOT stand another minute of not knowing what their determination is.
Please send mental thoughts to AHC PPO medical review board that they approve my surgery and that they do it TODAY!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your telepathic help.
Good Vibes going out to you. Hey, have you called them yet? I have been reading lots of posts that say that they just keep calling and calling. Kill them with kindness. Call them and tell them you know they are really busy, but thought you could save them a step by calling them. Then do it again the next day. I have read that works.
I called once last week. And then I called yesterday. And I will be calling them tomorrow afternoon. Deborah...ext. 1309 benefits coordinator for my company. She has 6 kids, 2 dogs, drink merlot and once got arrested for shop lifting children's vitamins and bobby pins. Ok, I don't know that much about her, but she does recognize my voice!