A week out today!

Stacey G
on 8/2/05 10:54 pm - Stow, OH
Hi Everyone - Hope everyone is doing well! I am doing much better. I was able to FINALLY come home from the hospital a couple days ago and I think I am begining to feel a little better. My surgery went very well but I ended up with pnemonia after and ended up in ICU. I am actually thankful for the pnemonia because at first they thought I had a blood clot on my lung. But in reality the bottom parts of my lungs had collapsed. Breathing is still a bit of a struggle and it limits the amount of walking I can currently handle but besides that I am tolerating liquids well, getting in those fluids, walking as much as I can and am happy to be on the losing side. Beth - Thanks so much for your support and posting for me! That accent is mighty cute! Take Care - Stacey!
on 8/3/05 12:14 am - Springville, AL
Hey Stacey ! So glad you are a LOSER but sorry for the pneumonia. You will be up and running in no time at all. Remember, SIP SIP SIP Kim
Stacey G
on 8/3/05 2:23 am - Stow, OH
Thanks Kim!! I sure can't wait to be running!!! Sipping Stacey
David B.
on 8/3/05 2:14 am - Modesto, CA
Welcome home Stacey. I am sorry you had some problems, but I am very happy to hear that you are up and feeling better. Wow, you are on the losing side now. Way to go girl. Life as you knew it will never be the same. David
Stacey G
on 8/3/05 2:26 am - Stow, OH
Thanks David! You are always so supportive and I appreciate it!! Hugs - Stacey
on 8/3/05 4:44 am - Tracy, CA
Stacey Welcome home! Its all downhill from here! Be sure to get lots of fluids and keep taking deep breaths to help keep those lungs going! D
Stacey G
on 8/3/05 6:50 am - Stow, OH
Those are my goals!! Thank You - D!!! Stacey
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/05 6:49 am - AL
(((((((((((((STACEY))))))))))))))) Hey HUNNI There you ARE finally :::whew::: I tried my best to inform everyone, but your mother and I were playing phone tag and well, it's just awkward at times during the day to call because A)I never wanted to disturb you if you was sleeping, B)Didn't wanna call if your family was visiting, and C)Didn't wanna keep pestering you. BUT, all in all, you're home, resting, doing MUCH better so it seems. That breathing will get better, the more you walk and get up and down and use the little breathy-thingy they give you (spirometer??) that helps a lot. I had breathing issues, too, but never pneumonia like you have awww Rest well and let us know if you need anything Beth
Stacey G
on 8/3/05 7:58 am - Stow, OH
((((((((((((BETH)))))))))))) I am feeling much better today! Yeah! I can't wait till I am feeling somewhat normal again! I am using my spirometer as much as possible and trying to walk too. Although I really need to pump up the walking and will be making that my goal for this following week out! Thanks so much for your support and playing phone tag with my mom ! You're the best!! Stacey
David B.
on 8/3/05 2:34 pm - Modesto, CA
Beth, you really are the best.
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