I am new to this board and am just on this website to support my best friend......................I didn't want her to get the surgery at first because I was very SHAKY on what would happen, whether or not it was safe, but her blood pressure is so high, I believe it would be the best thing for her. Well, just thought I would post and let everybody know I am new to this website..........i posted pics but they aren't showin up properly so im gonna have to email em' i think............

What a great friend you are! It makes it a lot easier to know that your friends/family are supporting you. I have been too scared to tell my family yet. I am waiting until I get my date, and will probably chicken out until the week before to tell them. Well, probably not really, because that would be horrible, but as soon as I get the letter they will know. Welcome to the boards and thanks for being a great friend.