feeling like eeyore
I am so down , down down down and depressed
. I cannot get out of this rut , days are passing so slowly , I'm wondering if I can just sleep untill I get a date?
but no , day after day after day of nothing, my appeal coordinator WILL NOT call me back after 5 messages!!
sorry guys, just need some suppourt and positive vibes
oh how is everyone doing? sorry for being mopey dears

Hi Sarah,
I'm sorry your feelling so down.
I've soooo been there and feel your pain.
It's frustrating.
One thing that did help me was couseling. In doing it, I learned to
like myself, something that I never did before. In liking myself I got a better outlook and it helped me to be more positive and hopeful about the future..
Take good care of little Sara!

Hi little petunia aww
Don't feel sad girlie I know exactly how you feel ok? we all do, we've all played that damn waiting game...
it's gonna happen... all you can do is be patient, that's all. Unless you march to that coordinator's office and sit right on his/her lap hehehehe