Blood Glucose Level 180
So, I find out that I have a fasting blood sugar level of 180 at 4:30 this what in the
am I supposed to have for dinner! IN addition to THAT
the scale at the weight loss center weighed me in at
that isn't bad enough, but my PCP scale had me at 335!!!!!!! So not only did I come out of the weight loss center a diabetic, but 40
pounds heavier than I went in!!!!!!!
I have to go see my PCP
ASAP to have another blood test done, but the RN said to expect a diagnosis of Diabites.
Mannnnnnn, I am pretty well concerned and bummed. I have to clean out my cupbords tomorrow!
Seriously bummed.....

When was the last time you had eaten anything? If "fasting" was since breakfast, it might still be a little elevated if your body's not working properly.
But 180, while a little elevated, isn't catastrophic. I have Type 2 diabetes and ther have been times when 180 was GOOD for me.
I'd be more concerned about the weight discrepancy!
Jen O,
I had been fasting for 12 hours
I meet with the PCP tomorrow at 11:15, and believe me I was pretty ticked off about the weight discrepency....and the scales at the weight loss center were the most accurate I believe. I certainly will bring it up at the PCP tomorrow!
I have no frame of reference for what is high, but if 180 is fasting, what is it when I am eating?
Well, I better go update my profile.....thanks for the encouragement!!!