Beth! You always come up with these thought-provoking questions...but you NEVER dish on YOUR life!!! Come on, babe!!! Let's hear the dirt!!!
P.S. I was cheated on in my other life; before I knew I was a lesbian.
It ripped my heart out, and I realized then, that I will not ever subject another human being to that kind of emotional torture.
Why do that to someone? We have free will and we should be able to "sew our wild oats" for as long as we want to, then, when we find someone we deeply care for, we let go of that BS, and commit...
I'd rather be single and and hook-up with whomever I please, than lie and cheat on someone who loves and trusts me....I know once that trust is gone, it never returns--no matter how hard you try. My wife is safe, and she knows it.....