Only Single Lesbian??
SINGLE is a term made up by COUPLED people. The word carries a connotation of INCOMPLETE or ONLY one. Which makes it easy to think of ourselves as "not good enough" no wonder you feel "what's wrong with me?"Everyone else wonders the same thing weather they say it or not. But you're gay. So no matter what you do for a generation or so, according to our majority society rule, you're already NOT RIGHT. NOTHING'S WRONG WITH YOU! You're just getting the message our society sends to THE UNCOUPLED. Question is...who are you going to BELIEVE? Who are you going to PUT YOUR FAITH in..them???? or YOU. And YOU GOTTA KNOW you ARE COMPLETE WITHIN YOURSELF but YOU'LL NEVER BE COMPLETE WITHOUT YOURSELF. Not easy, but worth it...and if and when we DO couple with that sort of homework done, our chances of losing our wonderful individuality (a quality not much valued in todays society) to someone else in exchang for being able to say I'M A I ok now? I'm not BITTER..just a lot BETTER thinking. You GO girl! Chin up into the wind!