OKAY B.H thats was good

Well i never really told ppl i was a lesbian ...I went to a gay club with my gay cousin... (I had a b/f at the time) I knew i wanted grls but wasnt sure where to meet them so i was so nervous the first time i went to the club with him...alot of girls were flirting with me and dancing with me but I made my cousin tell them i was straight so no one ever really pursued me at that time finally 1 month later my cousin hooked me up with a girl he worked with.we went out a few times till i met her husband! just couldnt go there with them.finally I met a grl (my girlfreind now of 8 years)and we started kissing at the club and everyone was walking buy amazed at this "straight" girl making out with a gay girl lol then i came out to the world. well not the whole world just to the people in my life
I always new i was a lesbian just didnt know the word for my self at the time.I knew the first time i walked in to the gay club that i was at home i found me!!! and i loved that the journey. to our family was hard but we overcame that when they realized were not just going threw a "phase" work has been difficult for me to come out and be me i feared discrimination and i couldnt chance losing it at the time but i felt my way thre and after 3 years passed i picked and chose who i told most ppl didnt mind now my g/f and i work at the same place so alot of ppl just know now!!! and yes it is wonderful to be free to the world and know who i am also and not feel puzzeled or ashamed af who i am but be proud!!
So how do you deal with your childrens school,friends,friends parents on your sexuality?
I have a 9 year old and she knows about her parents.but school and freinds ,and parents i dont feel comfortable about them knowing i dont want my daughter to be hurt or in the middle because of ppls ignorance but i dont want her to feel like we are ashamed either ! any advice on this??
shes fells comfortable with who we are as lovers and parents to her,she has no problem at all.